
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Funday!

Today is actually not so fun for me.  I fell off of the ball while attempting to jump on it at the gym yesterday, and landed on my back and elbows really hard.  I managed to scrape both elbows and really really hurt my lower back.  I thought it would go away after a while, but it's still hurting today even as I walk.  Doing simple tasks such as getting in the car, or even bending down to put on my shoes is really painful!  I never knew that one's back was so crucial to everyday tasks.  I guess I've been taking health for granted!  After I woke up this morning, I felt the effect of whip lash on my neck.  It's super sore to the point where I have to hold my head with my hand while getting up.  As you can imagine, getting up from the bed is almost impossible - I have to hold my head with one hand, and support my lower back with the other arm.  And yeah... not fun!  I'm glad my neck decided to step in and stop my head from hitting the ground though.  It would have been really really bad if I hit my head too!

Anyway, so I've been nursing myself all weekend.  But I actually worked out both days too.  I took it easy though, and modified workouts when I knew I couldn't do something without hurting myself more.  That's hard for me to do, because I'm kind of an over-achiever when it comes to the gym.  Like I literally check out what speed everyone else is running at so I can beat all of them.  Lol.  Psycho, I know.

I actually ventured onto stage 3 of my workout program!  I like this stage.  It gets harder and the duration is longer now.  But still under an hour to complete it.  Here are the workouts:

Monday 2/20
What I did:  Workout A.  The body matrix at the end is hard!!  I never tried doing 24 squads, 24 lunges, 24 jump lunges and 24 jump squads all at once.  It took me about 2 minutes and 45 seconds to complete.  Then had to go again after resting!  My legs were sore the next day.

What I wore:  Ok, I thought that I should try out my Dance Studio Crops for weight lifting.  I've always wore these crops only casually but they actually weren't bad for working out.  Though the wide waistband kept folding in half during my squads and things like that.  So I had to unfold it from time to time, but otherwise they were light and comfy.  I wouldn't do cardio in them though.  I wore them with my pearl luxtreme cool racerback in pigeon, with the 50 Rep bra under.  And New Balance Minimus Road shoes.

As to/from, I wore my Kitson burnout hoodie.  I love this hoodie.

Tuesday 2/21:  Rest day

Wednesday 2/22
What I did:  Workout B.

I also have a work outfit here.  I wore this wrap dress from Express I bought years ago.  I still love it!  I wore my new Ash Orchid boots with it.

Thursday 2/23
What I did:  Workout A again.

What I wore:  Lululemon wish blue cool racerback, with bright blue Flow Y under.  And matching bright blue passion crop.  Wore my NB shoes again.

And here's another work outfit.  I wore my Express Wide Waistband Editor pants in gray, and black Calvin Klein suit jacket, with Express chiffon tank under.  I really love this tank to wear under suit jackets for work.  It's a very very pale pink color, love it.

Friday 2/24:  Rest day

Saturday 2/25
What I did:  This was the day I hurt myself right before my normal class began.  So I still did the class, but took it easier.  Like ran at 7.5 mph instead of 9.  My back hurt more when I ran on flat incline but when I ran hills it didn't hurt at all.  Weird.

What I wore:  I wore my new Lululemon Power Y tank in discover stripe.  I loved it!  I love the placement of the indigo stripe across the waist - super slimming effect.  I wore it with a pair of blue denim wunder unders from years ago.  They are the only navy colored bottoms I have.  I thought they went well with indigo.  NB shoes again here.

I had to run some errands afterwards so I wore my Seychelles True Story boot, and Ever hoodie as to/from.  I don't care if it was too much navy.  Hahaha.

Sunday 2/26
What I did:  Circuit workout with treadmill sprints in between.  Took it easy again but still had a good workout.  This back and neck problem needs to go away soon, they are a big hinderance to my workouts.

What I wore:  My new lavender dusk Practice Freely tank.  OMG love!  Color is so pretty, and I think I like this tank better than the No Limit.  I love purple and gray together, so I wore my coal Team Spirit bottoms.  NB shoes again!  Wow, wore them 4 times this week.

Whiskey really really wanted to be in this pictures.  =)  See his balls?  They are coming off on Tuesday.  Hehe... I actually feel kinda bad for the little guy, losing his manhood!

I wore my Lululemon Journey Jacket and Bear Paw boots as to and from.

Ok, that's all!  I am going to go heat pad myself some more!  The good thing about being hurt is that I got a lot of studying done this weekend.  I even had time to watch the Oscars tonight!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!


  1. Awwwwh, Whiskey is so cute. I have a dog with a black muzzle like that too. Love it! Hope your back feels better. I've been there- it sucks!

  2. your work outfits are great! do you think you could do a week of those sometime?

    1. Thanks! I will try to take photos of my work outfits more often. I must warn you though, that sometimes (especially some Fridays), I look like a bum! LOL!

  3. Awww sorry to hear about your back- I have awful back problems from a car accident 2 years ago and it's really miserable, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hope you're feeling better soon!

  4. I realllllly like the practice freely tank on you! Makes me want one!

    Also, sounds like you strained some muscles when you fell. Do you have a chiropractor? I actually go to one regularly just to prevent bad posture and injury--Not a bad idea since you're like me and are very active, but also spend a lot of your time at a desk. Feel better soon :)

    1. I've actually never been to a chiropractor. My hubby likes going and he tells me you hear things crack that you never would imagine possible... so I'm scared to go... LOL!

    2. the cracking that chirpotactors do shouldn't be painful. But if you are uncomfortable with it, they usually offer altnernative adjusting like using the "activator" which is this clicking thing that sounds like a stapler that helps "break up" the subluxated tissues. For me, nothing makes me feel better than good old fashion cracking. I promise you won't hate it!!

    3. Ahhh... I will have to take the plunge and try it out... I know a lot of people love it!

  5. Cute outfits! I second the chiropractor - mine has saved me from suffering many times. Hope you're feeling 100% very soon!

  6. Hope some rest will heal it all.
    The Power Y D-Stripe looks awesome on you - you make me want one!

  7. The NRoL for Women is one the best training plans that there is, for women who are not afraid of lifting heavy. And I said one of the best, because the authors have come up with two other books/training programs that are also excellent. I completed the NRoL for Women (with 12 workouts in last stage) last year and although, my body was a bit exhausted towards the end, it gave me the best shape of my life at 37. I was not new to lifting, I prefer weight training to ANY other sport, but for years I lacked a direction and a plan, needless to mention I used to be a "cardio queen" in the gym. But I went nowhere after running for hours at a time on the treadmill, until I got into lifting. This book gave me that, a direction and a goal, and with my motivation and all my lululemon gear, I threw myself 100% into it for about 9 consecutive months. But as any trainer would tell you, even the best excercise plan is only as effective as your discipline to follow an appropriate diet. The one that works for you. I'm now starting with the NROL for Abs, which seems to be just or even more challenging than NRoL for women.

    Tip: You can download for free (since you purchased the book) the training logs for each workout in each stage. It was extremely useful for me, to record my progress:

    And you read my mind: I was about to ask you to pose sometimes with Whiskey! He's so cute.

    Greetings from Switzerland.

    1. That's great to hear that you did this workout plan and had great results!! I do love it so far, and I can tell that I've gotten way stronger. I can now sprint at a much faster speed than ever before, and I don't even feel tired! Must be all those squads and lunges working. =)

      I didn't know there were multiple books out there! I definitely will check out the Abs one after I'm done with this. Sounds awesome! I totally agree that this plan gives me a purpose, instead of wandering around from machine to machine. I like the structure it gives me, which makes sticking to it easier. I've been doing it for a few months now and can definitely see myself to the end of the program. I'm almost half way through, after all! Can't wait to get back into it after resting my back for a few days...

  8. Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I took today off work to recuperate. I think it will just take time to heal, so I'm taking a few days off from the gym this week.

  9. The Lavender Dusk color looks so much nicer on you here than it does on the lulu site. I imagined it much more pastel. Hmm. May have to rethink it :) Feel better soon ♥

    1. Thanks! I think it definitely looks more saturated in person than online. But still a lavender color though, not bright.

  10. I finished the workout in 2 min 36 A new record! It would be nice to make some competition?! when was the next? ;)

    1. That's awesome! Ok we can have a friendly competition. I'll try to beat your time when my back heals. Hehe how fun!

  11. ok! I hope your back will heal! I love your Lululemon Journey Jacket and your Ash Orchid boots!!

  12. OMG you look so super cute in that wrap dress with boots outfit! Love!

    1. Thanks! Sometimes I like to wear all black to work to reflect my mood of having to be there. HAHA!

  13. Thank you for making this such an awesome place to work every day!
