
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Funday!

This week has been a very long week for me, and I'm actually glad that tomorrow a new week begins!  My back is still hurting, so I couldn't lift again this week.  Ugh!!!  I'm very frustrated with it.  Going to go see the doc tomorrow and see if there's anything I need to worry about.  I was on such a good weight lifting kick!  Getting stronger and better.  But my workout program actually consists of quite a bit of back work, and squads and lunges which all kind of hurt my back.  So I did not want to aggravate it further.  I decided instead to just do cardio at the gym, to warm up my body and loosen my muscles.  But it's so boring to just do cardio!!

Well, it is what it is, I guess.  We'll see what the doc says tomorrow!

So my outfits this week consist of both work and workout, as the past few weeks.  Here we go!

Monday, 3/5
Did not work out, so I only have a work outfit:  Express V-Neck shirt in midnight plum, and the skirt is from my Calvin Klein suit.  Also the Betsey Johnson tights!

Tuesday 3/6
What I did:  Elliptical machine for like 30 minutes - boring!  I could not take any longer so I went home.

What I wore:  Lululemon No Limit tank in aruba, and coal Groove pants, with New Balance Minimus Road shoes.  Whiskey likes to follow me around the house, and sit right on my foot wherever I stop, so it is hard to get him out of my photos!!  =)

Wednesday 3/7
What I did:  I took Whiskey out for our first run ever!  He pulled a little in the beginning and kept running from one side to the other.  But after a little while he calmed down and was running next to me, pacing me the whole time!  I couldn't believe how good he was being.  We ran for about 3 miles.  The park we ran at had some rough dirt/rocky parts and poor Whiskey's paws got tore up a little bit and he was limping for the next 2 days.  I guess he needs to build up those calluses and get used to the distance.  Maybe I pushed him too much.  =( 

What I wore:  It was a pretty cold evening (for us Californians anyway), around 50 degrees and a bit windy.  So I busted out my cold weather running pullover - Ambition pullover in snorkel blue.  I wore it with just the Energy bra under, nothing else.  And it was the perfect outfit for the temperature. For the bottom, I wore my Ebb & Flow crop in black, to test out how they work for running.  They were great!  Did not slide down at all, and was great for the temperature as well.  I only wish they had some kind of waist band pocket for keys and such.  I had to stash my phone and keys into the back pocket of my Ambition pullover, with the doggy bag (in case he decided to poo, cuz he poos a lot lol) in the front kangaroo pocket.  I wore my Adidas adizero adios 2 shoes, since they are my favorite outdoor running shoes, like ever!!

Thursday 3/8
I did not workout, but went to happy hour with coworkers instead.  Had yummy food such as calamari, chicken wings, and sangria.  Way more fun than doing cardio at the gym!

I wore my Express sleeveless shift dress, as it was a very nice day.  We've been having crazy weather here - one day 60 degrees high and raining, next 2 days like 85 degrees and sunny!  

This dress also holds a special place in my heart since I was wearing it when I got engaged.  =)  I wore my Ivanka Trump Pinkish pumps.

Friday 3/9
I have both work outfit and workout outfit for Friday:

Work:  Express metallic mesh dolman sweater in cool earth with Express Wide Waistband Editor pants in Stone.  Same shoes again.  I really like this sweater, I would buy another one if there is another color I like.

Workout:  I went to the gym again and did elliptical for like 30 minutes.  Then I went and did some upper body workouts on the TRX, like push ups, biceps and triceps.

I wore my Lululemon Practice Freely tank in paris pink, with black groove pants with senorita pink waistband (not that you can see the waistband anyway).  And New Balance shoes again.

Saturday 3/10
What I did:  Interval training.  Sprints, hills, weights, the usual.

It is the same outfit I was wearing yesterday when I got home and put on my new white Swiftly LS top in this picture:

Sunday 3/11
What I did:  Circuit workout with many stations.  I always do the same workouts on weekends, haha.

What I wore:  Lululemon Power Y tank in Three Print, and black slub denim astro wunder unders.  With my Adidas adizeros again.

I had an appointment afterwards, so as to/from I wore my Turn Around LS and Seychelles True Story boot.

And that concludes this week's outfits!  I hope everyone had a good weekend, and don't forget about day light savings if you are in the US!


  1. Your pup is so sweet!! My dog has a habit of sneaking into pictures I take for my blog too.. I secretly kind of love it though! And I love seeing other people's dogs!!

    I hope your back is feeling better. I have awful back problems too, from a car accident 2.5 years ago. I find hot baths, heating pads (both in my work chair and at home) and massage good for dealing with pain. Acupuncture was surprisingly helpful right after the accident. I hope it gets better - I wouldn't wish back pain on anyone, it's pretty awful!

  2. thanks so much for adding work outfits! you have great style!

    1. Thanks! I wish I had a better place at work to take pics... The bathroom lighting blows out my pics. But oh well!

  3. I love your Thursday 3/8: a true working girl!
    For me my favorite running shoes is: salomon trail XA PRO 3D ULTRA 2. You should try them!
    How old whiskey?

    1. He is 8 months old now. Still a pup! But not getting any bigger I hope. He's already so strong! I will check out your shoes!

  4. haha, we have daylights saving time in The Great White North (Canada) too. :)

    Whiskey is soooooo cute. What a darling!

    Hope your back is feeling better soon. I have been sick all freaking week, back to work today finally but still feeling crappy :(

    1. Oh no! Being sick sucks :( As much as I don't want to be at work, I'd much rather be working than home sick lol. Get better soon!!

      So Canada has day light savings on the same days as the US? I didn't know that! Well, didn't really think about it I guess... Lol

  5. I just can't get over Whiskey's big eyes and how he sits at your feet and looks into the mirror!!! Hope you're back to 100% soon! Keep us apprised of cute things you pick up. :)

    1. Thanks! I sure will!

      Hehe I caught him looking at me through the mirror a lot last night. How sneaky! He can understand that the mirror reflection is not the real thing though- he hasn't ran into the mirrors yet lol.

  6. I love your blog and I love seeing Whiskey ham it up for your outfit shots!

    Most dogs (even high energy puppies) need to build up to running distances just like people do. Also, you might want to look into protection for Whiskey's paws if you're going to be running over rough terrain - his paw pads will not toughen up enough to completely protect him from rough roads. Since he's a puppy I'd try to get him acclimated to running in booties from the beginning. Here's a great website for tips and tricks for running with your dog.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I actually was looking up those dog running shoes. How cute!! But I don't think Whiskey will wear them... he will probably run away lol. I think it's adorable though. And it totally makes sense to protect his paws! "Pawtection" lol.

  7. Whiskey is such a cutie! I can tell he's a goof :) Hope the back is feeling 100% soon.

  8. You are funny...50, cold? 50 is perfect for running. Not looking forward to running when it's above 80 every day. I moved to CA a month ago... I guess Californians probably pick me out as not being a native when they see me running around in shorts when it's been 45-50 and windy.

    We have some little doggy boots for longer hikes with our pup. It sounds ridiculous, but it does help them last longer and their pads don't get torn up on stones. If Whiskey will tolerate you touching his paws, he should be fine once you get the boots on him. The first time we put them on our dog she walked around the house lifting her paws really high for a few minutes until she got used to them.

    1. Oh you moved to CA!! Where abouts? We are practically neighbors now! Haha... if I see someone running in shorts in 50 degree weather I will know it's you. =) Just you wait, pretty soon you will think this is cold too! Hehe.

      Omg doggy boots, how cute! I think the only way Whiskey will let us put shoes on him is if one of us straps him down. Lol. He's weird, scared of normal things like a brush. He will not let anyone come near him to brush him. I spent like 30 minutes trying to chase him down tonight to no avail...

    2. I'm in LA County but way up north in the Santa Clarita Valley. We just moved out here for my husband's job. You're right - I'm sure once I experience summer here, 50 will be very cold :)

  9. So adding to the dog running convo. Dogs that are still growing shouldn't be run for long periods of time. I think when I got my dog I was told not to take him running till he was a year old. I guess it's bad for developing joints. My dog also seems to have a 10km limit on him before damage happens to his paws and then he can't run for a few weeks (I learned that one the hard way too). I try to find nice soft trails to take him through if I can, off leash is even better when it's avalaible. But you should work him up to the distance you want to run so that he can toughen up a bit, though the pads will still blister on hot pavement no matter what so if it's really hot make sure he is running on the grass and not on pavement that has been baking in the sun (something else I learned the hard way with my dog).

    1. Hmmm I didn't know it would be too early to take him out running right now. Maybe I'll give it a few more months then. Hopefully by then he will be more well trained too. Right now I wouldn't dare let him be outside off leash even if no one else is around.

      The summers here get SUPER hot! I would imagine that even walking outside would burn his paws. Will have to go find shady streets or just go to the beach. I'm thinking about buying one of those packs that I can strap onto him so he can carry my keys, his poop bags and some water when we go running or hiking... genius to make your pet work for you... LOL!
