
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Funday!

This has been an interesting week for me.  I've been super super busy, and not getting enough sleep.  I'm talking like 4-5 hours a night which does NOT work for me at all.  I need minimum 7 to function lol.  This lack of sleep really messes up my workouts too because after work I'm just so done for and don't feel like going to the gym at all.  It's a bad downward spiral.  Luckily it's only temporary so next week should be A LOT better.  With that said, I've really gotten into cooking healthy food this week.  I've been cooking healthy for a while, but always the same old stuff.. like fish on a bed of veggies.  It's good but sometimes you just need something different.  I have decided that I would like to substitute the "bad" foods that I like with healthy ingredients and make them "good".  Here are some of the stuff I made that I think achieved the objective, AND they were very very tasty as well!

Tuna and Oatmeal Cake:

1 can of tuna in water
1/4 cup oatmeal
1 egg
1/4 onion
1 clove garlic shopped
1/2 apple
1 tsp chopped dill
Seasoning: I used a dash of turmeric, cumin, oregano, cinnamon and black pepper (canned tuna is already salty enough for me)

So I mushed all these ingredients together, and formed these patty things, and cooked them all in a pan with a little bit of olive oil.  The above ingredients made 4 of these cakes!  I loved it because I love crab cakes and these are a healthy twist.  All the ingredients are healthy, and it's got the right combination of protein, carb, and fat.  Not to mention 2 of these filled me up!  I'll be making these quite a lot more, and the best part is that a lot of different types of ingredients can be added, subtracted or substituted.  

Avocado Deviled Eggs:

Eggs - I used 3
1/4 Avocado
Sea salt

These were super easy.  I just hard boiled these eggs, cut them in half, scooped out the egg yolks and mixed them with avocado and seasoning.  I love deviled eggs, but they are usually made with tons of mayo.  I love that avocado has the same consistency and achieves the same purpose, and yet tastes a lot better and is much healthier!  These were SO good.  I think if I had chives I would have added them as well.  Next time!

Kale Chips:

This was the first time I tried making kale chips.  Omg, so good!  And simple.  I just cut up a bunch of kale, tossed them in a little bit of olive oil, sea salt and pepper, and put them into the oven for 30 minutes at 275 degrees.  They came out perfectly crunchy!  I love potato chips and sometimes get cravings for them.  But kale chips are so much better for you and just as satisfying!

Super Green Smoothie:

1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cup kale
1/4 avocado
1/2 banana
1/2 apple
1/4 lemon
1 tsp minced ginger (I use cheese grater) - sounds weird but this ingredient is essential IMO
1/2 packet of Emergency-C
dash of turmeric
dash of oregano

I've been making one of these everyday and taking them to work in the morning.  Sometimes I add some dill to it too.  Sometimes I add some almonds.  Sometimes I use a whole banana instead of 1/2 banana and 1/2 apple.  And of course many other fruits can be added!  I'm thinking of kiwi, orange, and berries.  I just don't want too much carb at once.  I also added my protein powder to it a couple times, but it didn't taste as refreshing because my powder is chocolate flavor.  I was very skeptical of this green smoothie trend before, but after trying it I must say I will be drinking these consistently from now on!  They are full of vitamins and minerals.  It's hard for me to eat a lot of veggies and fruits sometimes, but it is much easier to drink them!

Anyways, I feel like I'm turning into a food blogger lol.  But I am just so excited about my yummy healthy food!  Hahaha!

Ok ok, now onto the workouts and outfits.  Like I said, only went 3 times this week, but I did work hard each time!  =)

Tuesday 3/5
What I did:  Spin class

What I wore:  Lululemon cool racerback in lavender, with grape seed Energy bra under.  And power purple Run: Passion crops.

I got purpled out and wore my power purple 1/2 zip swiftly top as to/from.

Wednesday 3/6
What I did:  Yoga class

I wore my angel blue flashback jacket as to and from.

And here is a work outfit picture from the same day.  I wore my Mango pleated sheer shirt with Express wide waistband editor pants in white and Ivanka Trump pinkish pumps.

Thursday 3/7 - I did not workout, but I did take a picture of my work outfit.  I wore my new Express red pencil skirt!  

Friday 3/8
What I did:  HIIT mixed with weights.  I did a lot of legs and they are still so sore right now!

Also wore my fruity tootie swiftly long sleeve top as to/from.

And that's all for this week!  I think I *might* go workout later tonight, but we'll see about that.  I like minimum 4 times a week though.  But I did workout pretty hard the last two weeks and it is good to take a break sometimes.  I'll figure it out!  Hope you all had a great week and weekend!


  1. Holy crap girl, whatever you're doing is working! You looked great before, but you can really tell this week that you're even leaner - you look absolutely fabulous!!

    I might have to clean up my diet a bit, I'm jealous of how amazing you look!!

    1. Thank you! It is hard work keeping up the diet part... Requires constant planning and attention, working out hard for an hour a day seems so easy in comparison!

  2. I agree you do look leaner! I love that you included some recipe. I will try some of them for sure. Keep the good work!

    1. Thank you! I love finding new recipes! I think I'm slightly obsessed lol.

  3. Love the recipes. I'm totally trying the kale chips tomorrow.

    1. Aren't they yummy? I've been eating so much kale... On overload now lol

  4. What kind of blender do you use? I tried this smoothie recipe and it turned out really chunky and weird haha not at all smooth like yours. Thanks!

    1. Hmm I have this Oster one that is not that expensive. I actually blend the ingredients separately, like spinach first, then kale, etc. instead of all at once. I use the liquify setting, then smoothie.

  5. The tuna cake looks yummy!
    Did you use cooked or raw oatmeal ?

    1. Do you think steel cut would work or do I need good old fashioned rolled oats?

      And by the way totally inspiring me!! Very cute workout outfits plus a great recipe ideas;)
      Thank you.

    2. I'm not sure... maybe you can use cooked steal cut? I just used old fashioned which cooks a lot faster.
