
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Funday! Got New Wunder Grooves Today!

Thanks to your advice, I decided to take my damaged Wunder Grooves back to the Lululemon store to see if they could do anything.  They said they'd never seen anything like it, and immediately swapped them out for a new pair!  That was so cool, and good timing since they don't always carry the Wunder Grooves but happened to have them today.  I actually like the waistband of the new ones better anyway.  It's the new quilting from the current colors.  I love the monochromatic look as it will match anything.  It's also reversible, of course.  This side has the logo on the leg and the reverse side is all black with the logo on the waistband.

I also saw the reversible Wunder Unders with the pig pink waistband which is currently online as well. It's really cute, but I like the fit of the Wunder Grooves better.  I only have one pair of Wunder Unders, and they sometimes dig in on the sides and slide down.  My Wunder Grooves never do that.

I was so excited I forgot to get them hemmed.  I'm a shortie so Lulu crops almost look like pants on me!  

Anyways, now onto my workouts of this week.  I continued doing the weight training that I started last week.  So now when I go lift, instead of warming up on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes, I completely skip cardio.  It cuts my workout time to half!  I lift as heavy as I can though, so it's all about the intensity of the workout rather than the duration.  Then on the weekend I go to workout with my husband and that is the only time I will do any type of cardio, usually sprint intervals.  The interesting thing I've noticed from focusing on heavy weight training with minimal cardio is that I've been getting stronger fast, so now when I do run my intervals, I can run much faster!  I used to sprint at 8.5 mph or maybe 9 mph.  This weekend I started at 8.5 mph and that felt pretty easy so I kept upping it till I eventually ended at 10 mph!  I think it's because I built more leg muscles.  It's only been 2 weeks too and the difference is already noticeable.  I love my new training program!  

Monday 1/9
What I did:  Workout A from Stage 1 of my training program.

Tuesday 1/10
What I did:  Pilates reformer class

Wednesday 1/11:  Rest

Thursday 1/12
What I did:  Workout B from my workout training.

Friday 1/13:  Rest.  Except ate like crap, like hot cheetos, pizza for lunch and happy hour drinks and all kinds of fried stuff for dinner.  Sigh.  I need to be eating less on rest days, not more.  And definitely not junk.

Saturday 1/14
What I did:  A very hard interval training class.  I worked my butt off to try to burn off the junk I ate on Friday!

I also wore my Lululemon Lift Your Spirits jacket as to/from.  I love this jacket.

Sunday 1/15
What I did:  Another hard workout of different circuit stations with sprints in between.

I wore my Turn Around LS as to/from:

Today was a cold day, so I actually layered my Romeo and Juliet Couture sweater over!  I love this sweater too.

That's all for this week.  I hope everyone has had a good weekend!


  1. That's great that you got new Wunder Grooves! I like the waistband - very versatile for matching.

    I've just started a strength based program with my PT and am so sore today from deadlifting! Do you wear gloves when you lift? I've started developing yucky calluses at the base of my fingers which I'm not happy about!

    I've also just started reading NROL for Women - so far I'm liking it, although I can't get past the no cardio thing - I'm still going do a couple of cardio sessions a week, for my heart health if nothing else!

    1. Hi Mel! I do wear gloves when I lift. I actually find that I can lift more when I wear gloves cuz my hands don't hurt. I'm a baby, I guess. haha! You should definitely get some gloves...

      Glad you are liking the book! I too could not get over the no cardio thing. But now I'm really noticing the difference so it must work! Haha! And later on in their workout program, they do give you the option of adding interval cardio at the end of the weight session. I like to alternate my weight training with interval training on the weekends so I can still get cardio. I think cardio intervals really make a big difference. Steady state cardio is what is "unnecessary", for weight loss and muscle gain...

  2. The push ur limits tank is SO adorable! I really wish they'd make those again...

    thanks for posting!! :)

    1. Thanks! I love the style of that tank too and wish they would continue making them! Would love another in a new color...

  3. C'est bien d'avoir changé ton pant, le nouveau est très beau. Hâte de te le voir porter. Ta veste Romeo and Juliet Couture sweater est superbe!! Aujourd'hui j'ai reçu mon top lululemon run en noir:
    IL est vraiment bien, tu l'as? bonne journée

    1. Oh I love that pullover! Glad you got one. It is too warm for the weather here so I did not get it. =)

  4. That is so awesome!! I'm so glad you were able to get a new pair :) PS those denim slubs look amazingggg on you. i want them now.

    1. Thanks! I love the denim slub look... you should totally get a pair of bottoms in this print! It's always good to have something different from black and gray... hahaha

  5. I happy it worked out for your wu! They were much worst than my friends one.

    @audrey Je suis impressionnée que my superficial comprenne tout ce que tu lui écris en français. Tu écris sur un blog qui est lu par des milliers de personnes par jour p-e que tu devrais écrire en anglais...

    1. I have a very limited understanding of French from when I took it in high school for 3 years. But what I don't understand, google translate helps a lot... LOL! I wish I could speak French like you all seem to be able to!! So cool!!!

    2. @lulu citron: I'll try but my English is poor! I will do my best the next time.

  6. Love all the looks -- Quick question - does sweat show on the denim slub fabric -- They downloaded the denim Astro wunder under and was curious if they would show sweat-- thanks!

    1. Nope they don't show sweat at all. They are very dark! You'll love the texture!

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