
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Funday!

First Sunday Funday since I've been back, and I must say that I don't have that many outfits to share!  I only went to workout twice this week.  I would have loved to go more often, but 1. I was really jetlagged and started falling asleep everyday by about 1 pm, and 2. I hurt my left hand before I went on vacation, and it never really healed.  It's like this inner muscle pain that feels like a strain, and it hurts a lot whenever my hand/wrist is in a certain position.  I lifted weights yesterday thinking it would be ok, and then it started hurting visibly more.  So I don't want that I will aggravate it anymore... so annoying! Maybe I will have to just do cardio only for a while.  Super sad face!

So I will start with some work outfits, because I got to wear my new boots to work!

Tuesday 1/15 - First day back to work from vacation!  I wore my Tahari ASL teal belted dress, with Calvin Klein essential cardigan over, and my new black boots.

Wednesday 1/16 - I wore this plum colored Calvin Klein silky blouse, with Express pieced pencil skirt, and my new tan boots.

Thursday 1/17
What I did:  Hot yoga, I thought I'd ease back into working out this way after 2 weeks off!

Oh yeah, this is a different look I'm trying out on Thursday night.  I have some skinny jeans / jeggings, but I only wear them with boots over.  However, I decided to try wearing them with some pumps.  I know that many girls have been sporting the skinny jean look for a while now, but I never really thought it looked good on me.  Now I'm thinking it's not so bad, maybe because I'm used to seeing this look now.  So I wore my awesome dark olive colored Stella jeggings from Express, and I wore another Express top, the ruffle front blouse on top, with my S.Y.L.K. jacket over.

So I'm trying this look out for a while, we'll see if it sticks!

Friday 1/18 - I literally went to sleep after work from like 4 pm - 8 pm then went out to dinner.  So no workout.

Saturday 1/19
What I did:  I finally went to do weights, and I went back to doing the New Rules of Lifting for Abs, Stage 2 workout A.  Too bad I hurt my hand/wrist more.  =( 

Sunday 1/20 - So I wanted to lift weights again today, or at least play some golf.  But due to aforementioned hand issues, I decided to take it easy.  I probably should have gone running or something, but I was out running around all day and didn't feel like it.  I am actually still recovering from jetlag... so lame.  I guess I didn't try that hard to get rid of it.  I went to sleep at like 5 - 9 pm last night, woke up for a few hours and then went back to sleep.  Lol.  My body is totally still messed up.  Oh well!  At least it's MLK's day tomorrow so we get the day off work and have another day to recover!  But I have got to get more workouts in next week.  I still feel bloated from eating so much in China, and I need to lose that shiat!  Also, it doesn't help that DineLA starts tomorrow as well and I've got many restaurant reservations.  For those of you who are not familiar with DineLA, it's a very popular thing that many LA area restaurants participate in - for the next 2 weeks they offer special menus and pricing for patrons.  Usually like $35 for a 3 course meal.  It's a good way to try out new restaurants.  But I need to either stop pigging out, or start working out!  Hahaha!


  1. Cute outfits! Upload tonight. Gonna check out the revised ebb and flows tomorrow at the store:)
