
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday Funday!

Wow it's 2 days till Christmas!  Crazy how fast time goes by now.  I hope everyone is done with holiday shopping, because I went to the mall early morning yesterday and it was already a mad house!  You wouldn't even believe that the economy/unemployment rate is in bad shape, everything was sold out!  From these boots I liked at Macy's, to $400 Burberry scarves at Bloomie's.  Wtf?!  I was trying to get an ipad mini for my dad, and apparently all the Apple stores in the LA area have been sold out of the 16g and 32g wifi only options for like a week.  Lucky me though, I snatched one that somebody returned 3 seconds ago, the first one the sales associate had seen in 5 days!  So my shopping is done now.  Crazy...

I'm a big fan of gift wrapping though.  This may sound really weird, but when I was little, I used to make my parents buy me wrapping paper so I could wrap up empty boxes.  I soon became the expert at gift wrapping and my family would come to me whenever they needed a present wrapped.  I just loved doing it!  I kind of also think presentation of a gift is almost more important than the gift itself, so I spend a lot of effort doing this stuff lol.  Since I'm so last minute this year though, and did not buy enough wrapping paper/ribbon combinations so my creations aren't all that interesting, but I sort like really like this one because I used an organza flower that I made myself as the center piece:

I do wish I had either a different colored wrapping paper or a different colored organza flower though.  White on white doesn't stand out so much.  But oh well, what can you do.

I also like this other one because I bought these ribbons that are like ropes, along with this fuzzy ball from the Hallmark store that I think is super cute:

And one last one... I bought this cool damask striped wrapping paper also from the Hallmark store.  There is the shiny stripe, and the less shiny one is actually a velvet material.  Pretty cool.  Bought silver stripey ribbons to go with it, and just hand made the flower real quick (stapled it altogether).  It is probably the easiest trick in the book and not inventive at all.  But whatevs.

Ok moving on... lol, this week really wasn't good at all as far as eating healthy goes.  This time of year, there's just so much food at work!  And my boss was in a good mood so he took bought us lunch 2 days in a row.  Then I felt like eating a lot in case the apocalypse happened lol.  I only got to workout 3 times as well, although each time was such a killer that I could sort of justify not going more often.  But I still kind of feel like a fattie right now, sitting here eating chocolate as I type this...

Monday 12/17
What I did:  I did an interval workout.  I ran 5 one-minute sprints, then did weights, then did 5 more one-minute sprints on inline 12, then did more weights and called it a day.  It was pretty tough because I ran really fast.  I felt like passing out after each sprint lol.

On Monday I also wore my new Calvin Klein essential cardigan in black, but this is kind of a bad picture because you can't really see it well.

Tuesday 12/18 - Skipped working out.  Only got 4 hours of sleep the night before, so I kind of crashed after work.

Wedneday 12/19
What I did:  New Rules of Lifting for Abs program, stage 2 workout A.  Except I did 8 one-minute sprints before I started weights.  On both flat level and different incline levels.  It was pretty intense, I was pretty spent before I even started weights!

I also have a work outfit from Wednesday.  I wore my new black Calvin Klein blouse, one that I could not find on their website anymore to write about in the last post.  I paired it with my new Express pencial skirt.  They had this big commotion at work on Wednesday, with a photographer in all day to shoot for the Wall Street Journal.  So I wore a funeral outfit lol.

Thursday 12/20
What I did:  A really really tough yoga class.  I think I was shaking and sore for days after.

I wore my Cotton On hoodie as to/from, but I took this pic mostly to show these crops worn with rolled up hem, which is black from the reversible side.  I like it like that too.

Friday 12/21 - I had high hopes of going to the gym but its always so hard on Fridays after work!  Besides, I went to sleep late again on Thursday night and only got 4-5 hours of sleep.  So I actually crashed by like 9:30 lol.  I do have a work outfit from Friday though!  I wore my new Calvin Klein two-tone surplus knit dress.

You probably can't see very well in this photo - black never shows well in photos!  But I wore these new Emilio Cavallini argyle sheer tights that are super awesome!  I just received them and am seriously obsessed already.  They go with everything!  And who doesn't love argyle?!  They look less obvious in person than the below photo shows.  I need to find me another pair ASAP in case something happens to these.

I've been so busy this weekend that I seriously didn't have time to workout.  Both yesterday and today I got up super early for appointments and such.  I also am leaving for China on Thursday night this coming week, so I started packing too.  I went to the mall on Saturday partly also to get a few things for my trip - it will be SUPER cold there, for me especially, who is used to the perfect SoCal weather.  So I am kind of in panic mode now with only a few days left and nowhere near ready.  I attempted packing and got scared after putting 5 bulkier sweaters/jackets into my luggage and found that they took about half of the space in there.  No idea how I'm supposed to fit the rest.  Ahhh!!!  Anyway, so I foresee another busy week ahead!  Better to drink some wine and forget it now lol.


  1. I love your flowers & ribbons! I'm inspired to try making some myself! So funny cuz I've always been the designated present wrapper in my family since ad I was really young. I always joke that when I retire I might be a professional wrapper! :) Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Patty! I do enjoy these things immensely and dreamed of being a professional gift wrapper myself when I was little. Lol. That was my dream job for the longest time... So funny! I find it to be the best part of present giving! Have fun with yours and merry Christmas to you too!

  2. Your wrapping is so gorgeous, I would feel bad destroying it to open the present, it's like a work of art!! Hehe you put my wrapping to shame. I can be decent at when I put my mind to it.. but I've also been known to stuff a present in a lulu bag and staple it shut can call it wrapped :-D

    It's funny seeing your weekly gym outfits- I think we have about 80% of the same workout clothes!! Haha it's always funny coming on your blog after I order something from lulu cause I often see that we've ordered the same stuff :) It's awesome though, I love getting ideas on how to wear things by seeing what you pair them with!
