
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Funday!

My fiance finally got me my belated birthday gift which I had been wanting to try for a while - the Bodybugg!  I have only been using it a couple days and it was very confusing at the beginning.  But it says that I burn almost 2000 calories a day when I did not workout.  That's a lot more than I thought I burned in one day!  I need to eat more!  But I still need to wear the Bodybugg more, especially with different types of workouts to see the differences.  So I can't say much more about it until later!

Anyway, now to my workouts of this week.  It's been a good week workout wise, but I didn't eat so well.  It was my "time of the month", and I kind of gave in to cravings.  Sigh... oh well, I'll have to do better from now until my wedding so I can still fit in my dress!  It's still at the tailors and I went for my second fitting on Monday, and it was nearly perfect!

Tuesday 8/30
What I did:  Ran intervals on the treadmill for about 45 minutes.  Sprints intervals, hills, etc.

What I wore:  Lululemon No Limit Tank in aruba, and Team Spirit crop.

Wednesday 8/31:  Rest day

Thursday 9/1
What I did:  Weight lifting and then cardio on the bike

What I wore:  Lululemon Light Up tank, and Team Spirit crop in coal.  My boobs were so swollen and sore, seriously not sure why this happens during certain months but not others.

Friday 9/2:  Rest day

Saturday 9/3
What I did:  Spin class - first class in a long time!  My butt was kind of sore like a rookie.  This was the first time I wore my Bodybugg while working out, and I think the calorie count was pretty comparable to my heart rate monitor, maybe a little less.

What I wore:  Lululemon Cool Racerback in little boy blue, with Flow Y bra under in bright blue, and Run: Passion crop in black/bright blue.

Sunday 9/4
What I did:  Interval training between the treadmill and different weight stations.

What I wore:  Lululemon Tri Y tank, and Empower Crop.

This was such a tough workout, I was so tired afterwards!  But we finally went and saw Harry Potter today - I love those books and movies, and have seen all the movies right after they came out except this one.  It was so good!

Anyway, I'm so glad this is a long holiday weekend!  I really need another day of rest.  When do I not? Hehe.  Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend too!

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