
Friday, January 21, 2011

Oh Yeah... I Got Another Lululemon Run: Ambition Pullover in Snorkel Blue!

I totally forgot to post this, but when I went to the Lulu store on Monday to get the aruba No Limit Tank, I also got the Run: Ambition Pullover in snorkel blue, from a different store.  Oh yeah, I hit up 2 stores in one day.  Kind of pathetic.

I didn't really look at this color in person before, as I thought it was too similar to my Spirit Pullover.  However, in person it's a deeper, more ocean-y blue rather than a sky blue.  So I can justify it.  =)  I'm totally blowing my new year's resolution of buying less clothes.  Why would I ever make such a silly resolution??

I was surprised to find that they still had this pullover in both stores in all sizes and colors because it's been a while since it came out, and it also sold out online pretty fast.  I guess it's not that good of a seller here in So Cal!  The 70-80 degree weather we've been having lately probably doesn't help.  But I really like this pullover so more for me!  I also really like that the front pully thingies are a different color in the blue one, not the same color like the others.  Dang... I wonder if this pullover will be on sale soon!


  1. I originally purchased the black the day after Christmas and was happy just buying one. Then a week later I wanted the snorkel blue on they were sold out online and in all my local stores. Yesterday, when I went in to purchase my aruba no limit tank, there was one size 4 on the rack. I couldn't believe it! I was so thrilled because it was really bothering me that I couldn't get it. I also have the resolution LS in snorkel that I've been wearing for casual wear. The lady who does my hair just told me how nice that color looked on me the same day I bought the pullover. it really made my day. I just started building my pullover collection when the Run: Inspires came out and I'm already starting to get out of hand. It's funny how we can make excuses of how we need it.

  2. I am dying for this pullover in snorkel blue in a size 4. I am in Orange County and they don't have any left. If you are going back to lululemon in LA anytime soon, you have no idea how much I would appreciate it if you purchased one. I would pay you immediately. Let me know...and we can work something out. Thank you! (Sorry for the weird request on your blog)

  3. @anon: lucky you! I actually think the snorkel blue looks the best with my hair and skin tone too. Yay for being twins! Lol

    @J: I'm actually going to the store tomorrow so I'll look for you! Email me. :)

  4. @anon: P.S. The pullover addiction is hard to overcome. You better save up... I've been buying for years and can *always* talk myself into getting another! It's very dangerous and obsessive I don't know what's wrong with me. But at least they usually resell for close to retail price if not more! So I recycle my lulu money. :)

  5. I hope you don't keep your resolution of purchasing less clothes! I love reading your blog and seeing things you purchase, especially when they are things that I just can't get here in Canada! I live vicariously through you, LOL! :)

  6. I love that pullover. I have it as well in that color and didn't care for Snorkel until I put it on.

  7. Funnily enough I was at my store today (Ohio) and this was on the sale rack (in snorkel). they only had one and it was a size 8 (not my size), but I was surprised since it was so popular. It was a good $20 off. Hmmm..

  8. Awww I just bought a snorkel one this morning for reader J who posted above, and it wasn't on sale. The store still had a bunch of them in all colors. This is an awesome pullover! I wonder why they don't sell well here.

  9. @Becky: you are funny... and I think it won't be too hard for me to break my resolution seeing how things are going already. My poor wallet!

    @Lulumum: So how many things do we have in common now? Lol...

  10. So excited for my pullover to come in the mail. Oddly enough, in the OC and San Diego stores, they sold out in one week and everytime I asked if they had it, they would laugh and tell me they were long gone.

  11. Wanted this, but thought I missed out since they disappeared from online. My local store just posted pics on facebook, which show these in the I'm wondering if I should swing by my store...

  12. oooh just called and my store has one left in my size in passion and snorkel blue.... I don't know which color to choose!

    While not all for running, I do have a lot of tops in blue: I already have a Stride II in Oasis, the Flashback Pullover in Angel Blue, and the Alpine Pullover in Haze. Maybe I'll try the passion.

  13. Well, I like both but I really love the blue one right now. My first impression of passion was that it was a little too orangey. I would have loved it if it was a nice coral pink like fruity tootie from a couple years ago. The blue one is so nice though. But I do understand what you mean about having too many tops in the same color family. I have a lot of blues and purples too. It doesn't hurt to branch out! I think this top is so cute, and doesn't have to be a running only top. You can just wear it as a hoodie to run errands in if you want.

  14. ooh, now I saw pictures of the Run: Distance pullover... I know they are completely different tops, but I should probably pick only one to buy. Decisions, decisions...

    I held off on going to my store today, and I'm waiting til tomorrow so it wasn't a *total* impulse buy.

  15. To me that one looks nothing special. Same long sleeve with front zipper like all the others. I like the hoodie style of the ambition. You could always get it and think about it, wear it around the house for 2 weeks and decide. :)

  16. ok... (because clearly you need to know this :-p ) I called to reserve the snorkel blue ambition pullover. I think I'm more of a blue person than a pinky person, and this blue looks different enough from my other blues. Worst case if I get to the store this afternoon and both are still available, I can see for myself and change my mind. I guess this will be the end of my 2 month lulu-shopping-freeze. :)

  17. A lulu shopping freeze?! Sounds scary... Well let me know which one you end up keeping! The blue is different from others... That's exactly how I justified it too!
