
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wedding Only a Week Away!! Last Minute Little Stuff...

I can't believe how fast time is going by, seriously.  My wedding is exactly a week from this coming Saturday!  That's so crazy to think about because it feels like yesterday when I was procrastinating thinking it was still months away.  And now it is so close.  Since we are having a destination wedding, we do have to be ready with everything even sooner.  We are leaving LA on Wednesday to drive up to Tahoe, so everything's gotta be done before then.  That really only gives us like 5 days.

Most of everything is done, but I've been super stressed out this week since I had to do my last minute touches.  I've been working on some crafty work pretty much every night after I get home from work and the gym.  I've been going to bed at after midnight and getting up around 5 am.  I'm the type of person that requires at least 7 hours of sleep a night in order to function.  So this really has not been fun for me.

Mostly this week I have been putting together gifts for my bridesmaids.  It sounds easy but really was time consuming, since I had to run around and gather a lot of material.  But I think at this point I am actually done with a lot of it and can take a breather.  I think I am happy with what I've done so it's all worth it at the end!

One of the presents I got my bridesmaids is these pretty pink swarovski crystal earrings.  I thought earrings were a good thing to get because they can have something sparkly to wear during the wedding (but they don't have to wear these if they don't want to), and also keep them to use for other occasions.  The earrings came in white boxes, which I wasn't too crazy about.  So instead of buying new boxes, I decided to buy some paint and glitter to personalize them and give them some life.  I stuck with my pink theme with the boxes.  I never had a wedding color, but I think now it is pink.  This is mostly because the bridesmaid dresses turned out to be pink.

So I just painted the boxes with pink acrylic paint and used this light pink glitter glue to write their names on top of the lid!  These are what I used.  Loved that little brush thingy.  I got it for 50 cents at Michaels on Monday night!

So now the pink earrings go into a pink box:

And then I decided that I needed a place to put these boxes.  Like cute little gift bags or pouches.  I was browsing online at work, and came upon this website called and they have TONS of bags, papers, fabric, etc. for very good wholesale prices.  The company is located in Orange County and they ship same day so I ordered some cute pink mesh pouches with feathers on top.  Uber cute.  They arrived like a day or so later which was great.

This is what the pouch looks like.  It's the perfect size - about 3.5 inches high inside when closed.  I stuffed it with some shredded paper string thingies I got from Michaels to make it look fuller.

You can also pull the strings to cinch the top, which looks so cute.  This is what it looks like now with the pink earring box inside:

I now have 3 cute little bags for the girls!

I think I spent like $14 for 10 of these pouches.  They come in packets of 10 so I do have some left over.  But they are cute enough to keep around for christmas or birthday events later.

I also have my gay friend as my "man of honor".  Of course this meant that I had to get him something else.  He is not a flaming gay man and will not wear pink crystal earrings.  Lol.  

It's always hard to find presents for guys I think.  There's the generic ones you get for guys, like cuff links, flasks, ties, etc.  And it's just as hard for gay guys.  I really couldn't figure out exactly what he would have wanted, so I just got a Dolce & Gabbana money clip.  It's nothing special, but he's a brand name whore so he will probably like it!

The only thing is the picture shows black but I actually got the only color left which was navy.  I haven't even seen it since I got it online and it arrived all wrapped up.  I didn't want to open it and mess with it.  So I hope navy is really only navy under certain lights.  Though I did hear navy is "in" right now!  Hahahaha, that's what I will tell him.

I didn't want him to feel left out, so I put his name in glitter too. 

And then I also put it in the pink feathery bag!  Haha!  It barely fits, and when it's inside the bag I can't cinch it closed.  Oh well.  It will work.

So these earrings and bags are only a part of the presents I'm getting the girls.  I also got the silk robes from a long time ago that I wrote about.  And I got these faux fur wraps for them to wear when it gets colder at night.  Tahoe is nice in September - weather is in the 70s during the day, but it gets colder when the sun sets.  I got these wraps from ebay actually for only $18 each!  For that price I was like whatever.  One of them arrived tonight and it's not bad at all (I made 2 different orders), totally worth $18.  But the others are still on their way and I hope they are here before next Tuesday.

If they don't arrive before I have to leave town, at least I will have one!  Hahaha.  I like this wrap to go with my dress, since the dress has pearls on it and so does the wrap.  So it goes well.

So the day of my wedding is actually one of my bridesmaids birthday!  It was a total coincidence as I did not realize it at the time we picked the wedding date.  But she's cool enough to sacrifice her day for mine, so I thought I'd get her something else.  I bought this really cool ABS cuff for her.  It's gold with white opal.  Super cool looking and totally her style.  I actually got it on ideeli so it was like $50.  I think I might also get her a cake or some cup cakes on the day of the wedding.

I couldn't believe that this cuff didn't come with a box though.  It's a very wide cuff so I had trouble finding a jewelry box for it.  So when I was in Santa Barbara last weekend and was shopping in Nordstrom, I just asked them for a gift box.  It turned out to be the perfect size.  So it works.  I have no time to worry about getting a cuter box.

Hmm what else have I been working on?  Oh yeah, also for the girls, since I originally planned on having them wear different colored dresses I made these sashes to tie it altogether.  But since I then decided to have everyone get matching dresses, the sashes were kind of useless.  I felt like it was such a waste though!  So I cut out the organza flowers I made and made them into hair pieces!  I think it will be cute even though they are champagne colored and the dresses are pink.  We'll see how they look, it's not a big deal if they don't end up being used.

The back looks rather home made.  But well, they are home made!  And you can't see the uneven circle at all from the top of the flower, so whatevers!

I now just need to get everyone a big gift bag so I can put everything inside and make it look presentable.  See?  Still not done with gifts yet!

I made myself a hair piece too, and I used some fabric from my wedding dress.  It is still getting altered and I'm supposed to pick it up this Saturday.  But my seamstress gave me some material she cut from the bottom hem to make stuff with.  It worked out well in my hair piece.  I'm not sure if the photo shows.  But my hair piece is made of white organza sheet as well as the sheer fabric from my dress.  They look slightly different and gives the flower more depth in person.

I think I might put a little bit of ostrich feathers in it too.  But I haven't done it yet.  Will get to it tomorrow!

And then the last DIY project I've worked on this week is the flower girl basket!  I went to Michaels and got a cute little basket for $3.  Then I decided to glam it up a little so I glued some fake orchids on the sides.  And then I used the same fabric from the wedding dress to make bows on the sides and around the handle.  My flower girl is my mom's friend's daughter who is 8 years old but obsessed with weddings already.  She's uber excited to get this "job", so I wanted to make it cute for her.

You know how when you cut organza, the edges kind of become frayed?  Well, I decided to use my glitter glue, yes the same one I used to write people's names on jewelry boxes, to glue the edge of the bow.  That way the edge will not keep tearing and it will have some pink glitter on it!  I think this basket will look cute on a little girl.

I think that's about it for now.  I am still working on my drink menu!  And then we have to pick out songs for the DJ which is actually harder than it seems.  I have no idea what song to walk down the aisle in.  We have to figure out the schedule with the photographer, pick out photos to play on this digital picture frame we plan to have at the guest entry.  And then I have to attend to all my last minute beauty appointments.  Basically I don't think it will end until the very last minute.  I wish I had a couple more weeks to finish everything!  But it is what it is.  

My fiance has it worse.  He still needs to get shoes, shirt and tie for the wedding!  He's even more of a procrastinator than I am I guess.  And he doesn't even know for sure if one of his groomsmen can make it to our wedding since he just sold his house and needs to move into a new one by our wedding weekend.  So it's all a little stressful for me trying to make sure everything happens smoothly.  I guess if we end up being one man short on his side then so be it!  Good thing I'm not a bridezilla, I can see these kinds of things being disastrous for someone wanting everything to be perfect!


  1. I am sure your wedding will be beautiful! I am so impressed by your crazy crafty skills combined with a high pressure job and intense workouts! You prove women really DO do it all :) Good luck and have fun!!! Can't wait to see photos from Tahoe.

  2. Well said, cjrun! I was thinking the exact same thing. And I'm also using your cool, calm, collected, non-bridezilla ways as a role model for if I ever get married ;)

    I can't wait to hear all about the wedding and the fantastic honeymoon! You deserve it, girl!

  3. Good luck and enjoy it and each other!! Can't wait to see the pixs!!!


  4. Awww you girls are too sweet!!! Thank you so much! I will be sure to post pictures later. =)
