
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lululemon Run: For Fun Dress

I bought the Lululemon Run: For Fun Dress for $30 on eBay.  It was a buy it now and I couldn't help myself.  I thought it was really cute when it was in stores, but not worth it at the ridiculous price of $98.  Even when it went on sale for like $60, it still was too much in my opinion.  But at $30, sure I'll take it!

The whole thing is made of circle mesh.  It's very cool and lightweight.  And I love the double layered top look.  It doesn't come with built in bra or underwear, which is why I thought it wasn't worth the $98 price tag.  And it's really short so you definitely need to wear something underneath unless you don't plan to bend over or move around.  It's also a little see through.  Lol.  But the fit is really nice with the drop waist look.  You can cinch the waist, but it's got the elastic look no matter what, so there is really no point in fussing with that.  If I played tennis more than a few times a year, then I would be able to wear this a lot.  Now I'm not too sure what I would wear it with.  I don't think that I'd run in this.  But maybe I'll try it out when summer time comes.  I think it might be cute for golf too, which I love.  Or I could even just use it as a summer beach dress.  White always looks better when you have a nice tan!  For $30 I don't mind having it sit in my closet for a while.  I also was thinking that it might be nice to hem half of the skirt part off and wear it as a longer shirt.  Kinda like the Run: Energy SL.  But that might ruin it. 

On a different note, I also grabbed my fiance a pair of the Lululemon Agility Short when it went on sale for $19.  The only color they had was the slurpie blue.  Lol.

I think it's a nice color.  But wouldn't have been my first choice for shorts.  It would be a really nice top color.  For $19 though, it's cool.  It will go with black, white, gray, or brown tops.   He has another pair of Agility short, in black, that he got for free during product testing when we went to the Lulu run club a lot.  These shorts are a couple inches shorter than he prefers, so he sizes up to a size L.  But all in all, they are fine shorts for being free and $19.  Now if the Core Shorts ever go on sale, he would make sure to get stocked up.  They are longer length and he can actually wear the correct size and have them be a little more fitted.  I think they are the only Lulu shorts that are long enough for him.  I guess he is too "American" and wants his shorts to hit his knee caps.  Anyway, so I'm glad he's building up his Lulu wardrobe despite his initial resistance (mostly to the price).  Now we can both wear full on Lulu outfits when we go work out.  He hates that, but I think it's funny!


  1. Hey there, so other than the eBay option, are there any Lululemon outlets in SoCal? Nice blog btw, I found it after searching for Tumi (my fav luggage). Coincidently, I am also a fan of Lululemon wear for running. Here in NY, there is a newly opened Lululemon Outlet at Woodbury Commons. Mainly, I just wait for individual items to go on clearance at the local Lululemon store, but they are still kinda pricey.

  2. There's no Lulu outlets around here. The closest one is probably in Vancouver. Lol... and I would say 99% of the time, the stores here won't have my size left in anything on sale. If I really want something, I would have to suck it up and pay full price, or hope that it will show up on eBay.

    Last time I went to NY I almost went to the outlet, but wasn't able to make it. =( You are so lucky!
