
Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

I'm 3 days late but oh well.  New years eve festivities aren't that exciting to me anymore.  It just seems like any other day.  I guess I'm getting old!  Plus we didn't get new year's off this year at work because the market was open, so we were business as usual.  It really didn't feel like any special day.  I stayed home on new year's eve, watched a movie and got drunk with my fiance.  Fell asleep on the couch at around 11:30 but woke up in time for Dick Clark's count down.  Lol.  Weeeeeeeee.  It's sad to hear him try so hard to count after his stroke, and always being half a second too late with each number.  Maybe he should give this job up and rest at home next year... like I did!

I have 2 new year's resolutions:
1. Stop shopping so much and save $$ for rainy days (I've been watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and it's really depressing), and
2. lose 10 pounds for my engagement photos / wedding / wedding photos.

Lol.  Both are depressing me already.  Not to mention I had half a scone this morning after my usual oatmeal and egg whites breakfast.  So my resolution started off a little rocky. 

Hmm... this post inadvertently turned out kind of depressing.  So on a happier note, I heard 2011 is supposed to be a lucky year from my kettlebell instructor!  Let's hope that's true.  We all could use a little luck!


  1. Girl, I really don't think you have 10 lbs to lose...

    I do hope you will share your adventures in wedding dress shopping with us. You have great taste. HNY!

  2. I want to lose the 10 pounds I am sure I must have gained over Christmas!! Will be hard to get my butt outside and moving for the next two months (I am on the East Coast in Canada, Jan. and Feb. are very cold here). Regardless, I am determined to get in better shape, and hopefully will be jogging by Spring. HNY!

  3. Hurray for weddings! I feel like EVERYONE I know is getting married in 2011 [my sister included], and if it's a "lucky" year then that's a great year to tie the knot ;)

    P.S. I'm jealous--I wish my gym had a kettlebell class!

  4. @Anon: I will definitely be posting about wedding dresses! I have not started shopping yet. =)

    @Becky: Hehehe I ate a lot of crap during the holidays too. Wow you live in a COLD place! I guess I shouldn't complain about the few weeks of rain we've had here!

    @strawb3rries: I think a lot of people I know are getting married this year too. I just figured it was because I got to the "marrying age"!
