
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lululemon Astro Pant

I had lunch with a friend in Beverly Hills today and naturally stopped by the Lululemon store there.  They had 2 guys in the window display, one doing yoga, the other running on a treadmill.  I guess they stole the idea from the SoHo store in NYC!

I tried on the newest Astro Pant (stole this picture from one of the Lululemon Facebook pages).

This was the best picture I could find online, though it doesn't show the pants very well.  I like the waistband, it's pretty much exactly like the Astro Crop from last year.  I really like my Astro Crop, but I didn't like the pants so much.  

I tried on my regular size 4.  The waist and hips fit perfectly.  But the thigh area was too loose.  Definitely looser than the fit of the Groove Pants.  To me, the Groove Pants fit very snug all the way from the waist to the knee, then it bells out.  But the Astro Pant was a straight leg fit all the way down.  I much prefer the fit of the Groove Pants, and think the Astro Pants looked sloppy.  I'm just not a fan of loose fitting pants, especially work out pieces.  If the Astro Pants were the same fit as the Grooves, I would have bought them in a heart beat.

Maybe this picture would prove my point better: notice how there's just a little too much excess material at the knees that make her look bigger and sloppier than she really is.

They only come in one length - 35 inch inseam.  I'm 5'5 and the regular length Grooves at Lululemon fit me perfectly, so these were definitely too long.  I know Lululemon does free hemming, but it's just a nuisance to buy them and have to wait a few days for the hemming to be complete to go back and pick them up.  I wonder if I would have liked the fit better if I didn't have to stand on my tippy toes.
I wasn't very crazy about the color combination of the waistbands either.  They had all black, pink and green combo, blue and white combo, the picture above, and grey and orange combo.  If I had to pick I would have chosen the grey and orange.  None of them captured my attention the same way that the Astro Crops did though!

Oh yeah, they also had the Principle Jacket in my size so I tried it on.  My second verdict is: so cute I want it!!!


It fit much much better in my size than the size 6 I tried on a few weeks ago.  It's such a cute and flattering fit, as I mentioned in my post about it before.  I didn't realize though, that you can roll the sleeves up a little bit and there's also blue on the inside.  Looks very cute that way.  Still I couldn't bring myself to pay $108 for it though!  I want it to go on sale, but I'm afraid that if/when it does, they will be out of size 4.  I guess I will have to be patient and wait!  Maybe keep my eyes open on ebay too...

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