
Thursday, October 16, 2014

3rd Pair of Nike Free 5.0 TR Fit 4 Shoes! Venom & Turbo Green

As you probably already know, I LOVE my Nike Free 5.0 TR Fit 4 shoes!  I have two pairs so far, the fusion pink/atomic mango and the hyper cobalt/bright mango.  I wear both all the time.  They both go with a lot of clothing pieces that I have.  I'm always so surprised that the pink ones go with every shade of pink top that I have.  I think it's because of all the different pinks and oranges mixing into each other in the shoe.  So I got another pair in different colors - venom green/turbo green when they went on sale for only $69 at Macy's.  That's a great price!  I actually haven't really seen this color anywhere else.  I've been missing some green/teal sneakers in my life, so it was an easy choice.

By the way, Macy's also has my pink ones on sale for $69, and the hyper cobalt/bright mango ones for $89.  I highly recommend either, or both lol.

Anyway, these are my new ones:

When I ordered these from Macy's the other day, they only had size 5 and 6.5.  I normally wear size 6, but I can size up to 6.5 in most Nike shoes.  My pink ones are actually size 6.5 as well.  I feel like these green ones fit a little smaller though, so the size 6.5 feels more like a size 6.  Although I'm not sure if that's because they are new and haven't been worn in yet.  But that works for me, they fit perfectly!

I read a review somewhere that somebody didn't like the two completely different color fading on these shoes.  But that's kind of why I like them!  They look good not being totally matchy I think.

I've been seriously counting the days since I ordered them last week and I am super excited that they are finally here.  I cannot wait to wear them!  These shoes are really great for pretty much everything I do, from lower body weights to more plyo type of workouts, to higher impact cardio.  They are basically the prettiest shoes that do it all.  I think this style is my first pair of Nike shoes that I have really loved the fit as well as the appearance.  The other ones I have, I bought because they are pretty.   Nike makes the prettiest shoes.  I don't even need more sneakers but I usually can't help it!  =)

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  1. I bought these in the purple venom version after you recommended them on your blog and I LOVE them! So happy you posted about them! I agree that the pattern difference makes them super cute. I'm tempted to pick up the pink and green ones now... but I actually needed a pair when I bought the purple ones, so we'll see!

    1. So happy to hear that! I want those purple ones too lol. But i held myself back since I already have purple shoes... They are so pretty though! You should get either the green or pink ones, their sale price is pretty good, I don't think you can really get Nike shoes for much less.

  2. I think you're right that getting one more pair makes sense at this price. It takes me forever to make a decision about colors though! lol. Oh and I meant to tell you, even my trainer was like, "nice shoes!"

    1. I can never make up my mind about color either so I usually buy multiples lol. I think it depends on what colors you have in your wardrobe that you can match shoes to?

  3. I'm going to buy these now even though I just bought a pair of Nike Bionics recently...these are really cute!

    1. I actually like the Bionics better for dead lifts and squats. The sole is much harder, so it is better for those types of exercises. The 5.0 TR Fit 4 shoes are just great all around shoes though. I can do dead lifts and squats perfectly fine with them on, and they are also much better for jumping around and even running because they have more cushioning.


  4. لا شك في اننا افضل لاننا نعمل في تخزين العفش داخل افضل المستودعات التي من الممكن ان تتواجد لدي اي شركة في الرياض او في اي مكان بالعالم عليكم فهم تلك الكمات جيدا فنحن لا نعمل الا من اجل الحصول علي الرضا من قبل العملاء حتي نحصل علي السمعة التي نتمناها طوال فترة عملنا في المملكة العربية السعوجية فاذا قمت
    شركة تخزين عفش بالرياض
    بعمل جولة سريعة للبحث عن شركة تخزين سوف تجد المنارة افضل شركات التخزين علي الاطلاق و ذلك للميزات التالية.
    1- لا تعمل من اجل تحقق هدف واحد و هو المال بل نعمل لكي نكون افضل و تلك ليست بمهمة بسيطة او سهلة.
    2- علينا العمل بجد اثناء تنفيذ احدي طلبات العملاء حتي نكون عند حسن ظنهم فعليكم طلب تلك الخدمة الصعبة من لانك تحتاجونها بجدية تامة.
    3- لا يشترط العمل لدي المنارة ان ننجزة في فترة وجيزة فقط انما يشترط علينا ان نقوم بعمل الخدمة علي مستوي عالي جدا و بيقين لاننا نملك افضل عمال علي وجه الاطلاق فنحن جميعنا نعمل في منذ سنين.
    اليكم اهم الطرق و الخطوات التي تنفذها شركتنا اثناء القيام بعملية التخزين في المستودعات.
    1- عند تلقي الاتصال من قبلكم نقوم بطرح الاسئلة و هي اولا اين مكانك تحديدا ، و ما الوقتي التي تريد ان تأتي الشركة فيه
    2- نقوم بتدوين تلك البيانات كاملة و نقوم بتجهيز الفريق و نذهب سريعا الي العميل و معنا الات خدمات العفش فنحن نحافظ علي خدمة تخزين اثاث و ننطلق سريعا
    3- يقوم الفريق بفك الاثاث بالكامل جزء جزء .
    4- نقوم بتنظيف العفش من التراب الموجود علي اضلعة
    5- نقوم بتفليف العفش بافضل ادوات و اكياس التغليف بالاضافة الي الكرتون الذي نوفرة للاشياء التي من الممكن ان تتعرض للكسر بسهولة.
    6- بعدها نقوم بشحن كافة العفش الي السيارات و تنطلق السيارات متجهه الي المستودعات الخاصة بالشركة.
    لذا فنحن الافضل في تلك الخدمة و هي شركة تخزين اثاث بالرياض ولا تقلق بشان التخزين فنحن نملك مستودعات تخزين الاثاث بالرياض علية الامان و السلامة فاليك الابواب مفتوحة حول تحديد المدة المرادة
