
Monday, May 5, 2014

Lululemon Wunder Under Crop Wamo Camo Barely Pink =)

Hehe I got another camo item!  Well at least this time it's Lululemon's new wamo camo so it's different from the others!  I got the wunder under crops, called wamo camo barely pink.  A lovely reader (you know who you are!) actually sent me a picture of them and then bought them and shipped them to me last week!  How sweet!  Lululemon just uploaded these online as well, but selling out very fast.

I think this print is fun!  They are also made of the new denim luon, same as the black camo and milky way wunder under crops.  I really like this material.  It's more compressive, but opaque and great for lower body days.

Here's a close up of the print... 

These are definitely "loud" though!  I'd probably wear them with white, gray or black tops so as to not clash too much with the print.  I think it's funny that I used to only own black/gray bottoms.  If you click on my Sunday Funday label on the side of the page, and go back to the beginning, you'd see that I was so boring lol!  I'd buy bright colors/prints in tops only and wear them with the same black/gray bottoms over and over.  Now I'm kind of the opposite where I'm getting more printed bottoms and having to buy more neutral colors in tops.  But I like to mix things up now and I think I like this new direction.  How has your taste in clothing changed throughout the years?

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  1. Because I've been buying so much Lulu over the last several years, I am wearing it more for street wear to justify purchasing it. When I first started shopping at Lulu 6-7 years ago, I only bought clothes for running, so only running jackets, Speed shorts, armwarmers, tech tops like Swiftlys etc. The last year or so, I started buying things like the Gratitude Wrap and things made out of, gasp, cotton! I use to do my primary street clothes shopping at JCrew, Banana, Ann Taylor and Nordys. I have really not bought very much at any of those stores since I started buying more stuff at Lulu and Iviva. I am probably dressing much more casually than I use to too. I have to say, it is a lot more comfortable!

    1. Wow you are more advanced than me... lol. I haven't made it there yet where I shell out big bucks for Lululemon's casual wear. Of course that doesn't mean I don't wear some technical gear as casual wear sometimes though! =P

  2. When I first moved to Canada seven years ago I was still teaching wearing leotard and tights with sweats or a skirt over the top. It didn't take me that long to discover Lulu and that it lasted way longer than any of my dance clothes and my cheap coverups. I love the way you can dress it up or down and that you don't have to wear black everything now :)

    Those WU's look really cute on you, I'm not a camo fan so they're not my thing but you rock them, all power to you!

  3. I love this WU's print. Most of my workout attire has prints and fun cut-outs, I always had a crush on"loud" workout clothes. I'm from Brazil and there workout clothes are a big deal... no boring pants or top allowed, lol. I find lots of cool stuff at They sell Brazilian style active wear and it's oh, so comfy and fun. You should try one of their pieces, you would love it :o)

    1. I've seen some of the Brazilian active wear in the past, and it's pretty crazy! It must be so much fun to workout there while checking out all the fashion lol. I'll check that site you mentioned! =)

  4. Random question, do you know when splits 59 usually has their semiannual sale? Thanks! I love your blog and outfits :)

    1. Well... last year was in July, and the last one was January, so that makes sense. I'd say probably around June/July this year too! Seems like such a long wait lol.
