
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lululemon Spring Fling Puffy Vest - Savasana Camo Fatigue Green

I went to Lululemon on Sunday and saw the Spring Fling Puffy Vest in savasana camo fatigue green (sold out on US site so link is to NZ site, sorry).  I know this vest came out a few weeks ago and had been sold out pretty quickly afterwards both online and in store.  But it was a return at my store and it happened to be a size 4.

I saw it online when it first came out, and I wasn't too crazy about it, especially the cap sleeves which I thought looked a little weird on a vest.  But I decided to put it on at the store, and I was surprised to have liked it!  I debated for a bit, because 1. I think it is a little short/tight and a size up might look better, but I wouldn't know since it was the only one they had; and 2. It's $128?!?  I guess it's 650 down filled so that makes me feel a little better about the price.  So I figured I'd just buy it and decide later.  I have since realized that a lightweight vest might be the perfect solution to chillier days in LA, when I really just need to keep my core warm!

Here it is on me, of course worn with the black camo Express Stella leggings (I looove these!)... because you can never have too much camo... buahahaha!  =P

Hood on:

So you zip it up, and then there's this stretchy tie that you can use to cinch the waist in:

The side pockets are rather large but there's no zipper.  I wish they had put a zipper on it, especially for the price point.

Elastic bottom hem:

I didn't really know if I liked the bow on the front.  But I realized after I got home, that the tie actually goes both ways!  You can tie it on the inside first, then zip it up so it doesn't show on the outside.  I think I like that better!  Here's what it looks like... the string goes through the little vertical slit:

So then you can either tie it on the inside, or actually just leave it untied and hanging down which is a lot less hassle.  I can't be bothered to zip AND tie.  :)

So I think I like it better with the bow on the inside.  Less fuss.  I'm glad they added this feature!

It has a big hood too, and it's removable which is nice.  Just unzip:

The zipper stays hidden pretty well with the hood over it:

 And this is what the vest looks like sans hood:

I don't think I would ever wear it without the hood though.  

So, tadaaa!  Another camo item!  Lol... and it's not the last either.  :)  The camo print is rather subtle in this vest though.  You can definitely see it, but I feel like you can use it as a neutral.  The cap sleeves surprisingly don't bother me at all.  They don't puff up, nor are they pointy.

For those of you that have this vest, what do you think of it?  Is it worth keeping?  

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  1. I bought the camo vest and love it (it's actually my favorite Lulu camo piece so far) but I live in Chicago -- can't comment on the practicality of down in LA.

    I love the camo line, too, and so far the only disappointment is the forme jacket. I went to my store yesterday and they had tons of the camo forme jacket but the fabric was super cheap looking/feeling (very thin polyester -- like something you would find at Walmart). Easy pass. I also ordered the black camo WUC and the Chase Me crops online yesterday but I'm now a bit worried about the fabric quality -- wait and see, I guess.

    A little OT, but in a previous post you mentioned that you had some Inspire crops hemmed. Wow! I love that idea. I've always passed on the Inspires because they were loose around the calves and the length looked a bit frumpy. But in the picture where you had them hemmed, they look awesome. Thanks for the great tip!!

    1. I ordered the black camo Chase Me crops too, and my friend got me the black camo WUC in store on Monday (I haven't met up with her yet to retrieve them though). I wanted to have both options, but I was a little worried that the Chase Me might be too shiny/polyestery too. I also ordered the fatigue camo cool racerback but it looks polyestery too on one of the close up pictures... I remember trying on a black camo cool racerback a few years ago, and it was so yucky I wanted to pull it off right away. Hoping the new one is better! The Form jacket is a little bit too much camo for me lol. I'd have been more tempted to order it if it was black camo.

      I hemmed the Inspire crops to right above where the contrasting colored line ended on the calves. I love the length! My deep zin Inspire crops fit nice and tight in the calves, but the inkwell ones that I hemmed were definitely loose in the calves too. I also happened to cut into it when I was opening the package it came in (stupid!) so they became my little experiment. Worked out well! :)

  2. I usually love what you purchase, but this is not cute or worth keeping IMO. The bottom bunches up weirdly and the cut doesn't flatter your super fit core and hips. It's overpriced for the amount of wear you’ll get and the camo in this green hue is too redneck. Your leggings on the other hand are awesome since the print is subtle. Maybe if you lived in the middle of the country this might work, but for LA I vote return it and spend your $$$ on something else. Just my opinion though… sorry if it came across harshly. I know this has been a popular item for some. Love your blog and fit reviews!

    1. Wow that' bad?? Lol... I didn't notice weird bunching. But I am worried that I might have my Lulu camo goggles on for this one! Hehe. It is $$$ and a little hard to justify for me living in such a mild climate, so I'm definitely debating and I appreciate your input!

    2. Sorry, I hate to sound like a meanie, I just feel you can do better. If you love it and are super excited to sport it, I'd say keep it. This is a pretty unique piece so I could see it doing well on the resale market.

  3. I love this vest! I think it looks great on you! One was left in my size at my local store, tried it on and fell in love. I do live in a climate with cold winters (Saskatchewan, Canada) so am always searching for stylish items that are also warm, but could see this vest being great for your climate since it's not too heavy.

  4. I love the camo vest on you too. It is really cute and flattering to your figure.

  5. I don't like the fit on you. I think it looks a little small. I wouldn't look at you and think, "Wow, that vest is too small for her" but since you asked and you're not too sure, I thought I would give you my two cents! :) I pretty much agree with Anon 7:18.

  6. I think the vest looks great on you. You have a great figure and can pull almost anything off.

  7. I ordered this in my size(4) and size 6.... They both went back:( The size up did lay better and allow more movement, however I did already have the Zinfindal and what fluff off vest and thought they were more flattering. For what it's worth I do think it looks slightly snug/short, you always look great and I think you can do better for $128. Thanks for sharing:)

  8. i love your blog!! i actually returned my size 4 in this vest. if you wear it for a few mins i think you will notice that it bunches (in a bad way) also, it's fairly cheap in terms of material.... i am spoiled though, i have a lot of lulu vest from way back.... i think if you don't have a lot of other lulu vest to compare you might think it's nice - the jcrew camo vest was about 1,000 times better than this and i am a serious lulu addict. it looks nice on you (it was fine on me while standing still) once you start moving it's a different story - the lulu girls at my local store felt the same about the vest. thanks so much for your blog!

  9. Thanks for all your feedback everyone!! We've definitely got some differences of opinions here huh? :) I think I'll have to wear it around a little longer at home, and see if it starts bunching weirdly! I've got a week more to return! I do think it's a little too rich for my blood.

  10. I think its super cute on you. I didn't think I wanted one either until I saw it on you. I was at a store today and they had one in my size! Happy camper.

  11. I ended up returning mine and am happy that I did. It bunched up weirdly in the back on me and I just didn't think it was going to be versatile enough to justify. I, too, prefer my other lulu vests over the fit of this one, although I did love the camo.
