
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Couple New Jackets!

It's been so so hot here, even though it is almost October.  We are still having 100 degree weather constantly.  Feels like it will never cool!  However, it did not stop me from buying 2 jackets recently.  Hey, all the stores have gotten their fall merchandise, and when you see something you like, you buy it.  =)

First I went into this store called S.Y.L.K.  It was my first time in there, they seem to have some trendy stuff that are not very expensive.  I actually have been wanting a neutral colored leather jacket that is drapy in the front, and when I saw this jacket made by a label called Epique Moi, I thought it was perfect!  It's not made of leather though, but some kind of soft synthetic material.  That's fine with me.  I just really like the style.  I'm waiting for the weather to cool so I can wear it!

This is what it looks like when it's open, but there are many ways to wear it!

Here's the close up:

So it has a zipper that goes from the left side all the way around the back of the neck through to the right side.  You can wear it half way zipped up like this:

Or zipped all the way up like this:

Or you can unzip the neck portion and have the drape go to the other side - though this is a bit weird and I probably won't wear it like this:

Anyway, so I really love this jacket.  The color is great and will go with pretty much anything.  The style is exactly what I want too, and it was only $98.  Pretty decent for a jacket that I can see getting a lot of use out of!

And my next jacket is from Zara.  It's this cute white jacket with cropped sleeves and these stud details around the shoulders and sleeves.  It was also only $88 which is great.  I love this kind of rocker style.  

This jacket will also go with a lot of stuff, from pants to skirts or dresses, and pretty much with any color as well.  I think it's also a good investment!  So I am kind of stoked to have gotten 2 jackets on the same day that I can see myself getting a lot of use out of.  And did not cost me my right arm.  This does not happen very often.  =)


  1. Where is your purple striped dress from? I love it, it looks super cute on you and btw you have amazing legs!!!

    1. Thanks!! It's a Wow Couture dress I bought on Hautelook. If you type it on the search box on the right, the blog post should come up. :)
