
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Josh Brody Blouson Top V-Neck Dress - Numero Dos!

Since I am so in love with my Josh Brody Blouson Top V-Neck Dress in all black, I decided to buy another one in a different color.  I just really like the way this dress fits and how it is right in the middle of casual and dressy.  It really works for many different occasions.

Not to mention it matches my new favorite Modern Vintage wedges perfectly.  =)  I like this color combo of the dress, since the sequence looks more obvious than in all black.  I actually bought this one on ebay for like 30 bucks brand new.  Can't really beat that.  But it's kind of weird because this one is a size XS, and the black one I have already is a size S.  However, this one fits looser than the black.  So the sizing isn't very consistent at all!  But it still fits so I'm fine with it.  

I like to watch Rachel Zoe Project when it's on TV, and I remember her saying that every girl has an optimal length of skirt that works for them.  For me, I really think this is the length.  It's not too short to look hooch, and I think I kind of have bigger quads so I'd like my skirts to cover them.  When it's a few inches longer, I think I actually look shorter.  So, good lengths for me are either this length, or knee length.  I totally agree with Rachel that it's different for every girl though!

1 comment:

  1. I love this dress so much! Looks great on you : ) I liked the black but this one is better. I've been googling it and can't find it, where did you get it?!
