
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Giveaway - Lash Allure MD Lash & Brow Enhancing Serum!

As promised, I am doing a giveaway post this week!  Beauty Bioscience has agreed to give away not one, but FIVE Lash Allure MD Lash & Brow Enhancing Serum to my readers!  Each one retails for $65, but you will get it completely free and no obligations attached!  All you have to do is comment on this post or email me before end of day next Monday, May 7, and I will run a random number generator based on the order received and announce a winner on Tuesday the 8th!  As I already stated, there will be FIVE winner!  So if you are interested, read on...

About 2 years ago, I bought the Lash Allure MD Lash & Brow Enhancing Serum from Gilt to try it out. I have very sensitive eyes, and I found that when I put it on, it irritated my eyes by giving this slight burning sensation so I did not use it long enough to see any results.  However, a little while ago, Beauty Bioscience (the company that makes it) contacted me asking if I would try the new Lash Allure MD product.  When I received the product, I was pleasantly surprised because it came in a pack of 2 - a day time eyeliner serum and a night time clear serum that looks like the one I had tried before.  However, this time I experienced no burning sensation or any other irritation whatsoever!  I've been using them every morning and night for two months now, and I've definitely noticed a difference!  My lashes are about 25% longer - a noticeable difference for sure.  Though I can't tell if they are actually thicker.  I also used the clear serum on my eye brows sometimes, and noticed that some of my over plucked areas have grown back nicely!  I think I started noticing results after 2-3 weeks of using consistently.  So don't expect immediate miracle results.

This is what it looks like and what you will receive:

I really love the fact that there is a eyeliner that doubles up as make up and lash enhancing serum.  It looks just like a liquid eye liner.  The brush is very thin and soft so I needed some practice before I could put it on smoothly and quickly.  Now I can do it in under 5 seconds hehe.  It's not water proof, but I've been wearing it all day to work then to the gym and it never ran.  The only time it did run was when I went to hot yoga while I still had it on.  But my hot yoga classes are like a sauna so that was to be expected.  

It's paraben-free and prostaglandins-free which is the ingredient that causes discoloration of the eye in other products like Latisse.  Both day time and night time serums dry very fast so you can proceed with your normal beauty regimens without delay.  After 2 months of consistent using, there is still plenty of products left!  So it's a great value.  It's a patent pending product that has been tested with great results within 2 weeks in 92% of clinical trial participants.  So it's definitely worth a try!  You have nothing to lose and lots of lashes to gain.  =)


  1. I would love to try this on my short eyebrows! Hope I win!

  2. I would so love to try this product. My lashes are super short , it takes many swipes of mascara to get them long but end up look like spider leg :( fail . & over plucked eyebrows , last time i got them done was a month 1/2 ago , the lady over did it and its still bald ! hope im lucky to win !! :)

  3. Not sure if Canadians are eligible, but if so, count me in :)

    If not, then I wish good luck to everyone who enters. (actually, I wish good luck to everyone regardless :)

    1. Of course Becky! I probably should have mentioned this, but Beauty Bioscience will be shipping it directly to the winners.

  4. ooh, I'd like to try this product! Looks interesting!

  5. Awesome, glad to hear Canadians are eligible! Thanks, I'd love to win! Dawn :)

  6. Sounds fab! I had no idea such a product exists as I rarely treat myself to beauty products. But my wimpy lashes sure could use some help.

  7. May 7th is my birthday, so I'm feeling lucky! :) Thanks for sponsoring an awesome giveaway, would love to try this product!

  8. Looks like such a cool product pls enter me too!! :-)

  9. Oooh, I defnitely wanna try this stuff! I am trying one right now that I got on hautelook by blinc and it definitely burns a little bit. But I figured it was normal-- i just made sure to try and use it only when I didn't have my contacts in. Definitely seems genius to make it into an actual eyeliner for daytime wear! i need all the eyelash growing help i can get! :)

  10. Throw me into the mix! I'd love to give it a try. :)

  11. Me,me, ME!! I've got pitiful poor excuses for eyelashes, lol! Thanks for the opportunity to hopefully try it out :)

  12. I'd love to give it a try! I'm also very excited for my CW-X tights, your review and pictures finally convinced me to get them! :)

  13. I would love to try this also -- I'd love some makeup that my 14 year old won't steal!!!!

  14. I've been looking for a great product like this, I also have sensitive eyes. Thanks!

  15. I'd love to try this on my over plucked brows :) Here's hoping it's a miracle worker!

  16. Sounds like a wonderful and innovative product. Would love to try it! Good luck to everyone!

  17. Thanks so much for this giveaway! I would love to try this!

  18. My eyelashes could use a boost- I'm crossing my fingers! I've been a shy reader, but I love checking your blog! It's a fun easy read!

  19. This sounds super interesting - who doesn't want better lashes! :)

  20. Sounds like a great product. My lashes are pretty short so I'm curious what effects it had have on me.

  21. Thanks for the sweet giveaway :) Sounds like it's a good product!

  22. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I'd love to try these products!

  23. Would love to try this! Awesome!

  24. Thanks for the giveaway - sounds great!!

  25. Entering the giveaway! I need all the help I can get as this summer I am a bridesmaids in three weddings!

  26. Would love to try. My current product isnt working.

  27. OMG I would love to try this, I have super short lashes! Thank you.

  28. I would love to try this, thank you.

  29. Thanks for the giveaway! Sounds like it's worth trying!

  30. Hi! I just wanted to say that I love your blog and fit reviews! I was just checking out ebay and noticed this listing (Item number: 280873389315) and I'm pretty sure they stole your picture from the blog! (Well unless this is your auction then sorry about that!) Go get them!!!! That is super creepy!

  31. I would love to give this a try! Have a wedding and honeymoon coming up so this could help :)

  32. Oh nice giveaway, I would love to try this! Thanks!

  33. Oh - so excited, would love to give this a try. :)

  34. totally want to try this! thanks for the opportunity!

  35. I would love to give this a try! -JessP

  36. I would love to give this product a try! Thanks for having this giveaway.

  37. Would love to try this; I have super sensitive eyes that tear so my own eye makeup always runs no matter what...would be great to see if this is an improvement! Great blog, this is a fun addition!
