
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Michael Kors Fleur Tall Boot

I have gone boots crazy!!!  I bought another pair of boots from Gilt, the Michael Kors Fleur Tall Boot.

So I have been debating ever since I received them a couple days ago whether I should keep them or not.  I do like them and think they are flattering on.  They actually make the legs look skinnier I think.  But I did spend a little more than I like on them, which was about $300 after shipping and all.  The original price was like $500, but I did a search online and found that they were marked down to about $210 on a few websites, including  But they are all out of stock so it's not like I can get them elsewhere and then return these to Gilt.  But it kind of irks me that they were on sale for $210 and Gilt decided to sell them for like $70 more!  Sigh... too bad they are sold out everywhere else.  

That has been my big dilemma of the week.  This definitely qualifies as a "First World Problem".

What I really like about them is that the shaft height is perfect - about 18 inches.  And the leather is super soft, with a somewhat distressed look.  The ankle fits loosely so they can slouch a little bit there (I don't like boots with tight fitting ankles).  They are about 3.5 inches high so they are super comfortable.  I can fit a pair of jeans into them with no real problems.  And they are lined pretty much all the way down on the inside with the same material.  So you can wear them folded down to the ankle.  That seems to be quite versatile even though I don't know if I'd actually wear them like that.

So I'm still deciding but I kind of think I will end up keeping them.  Here's a picture of them on me... decisions, decisions!


  1. These are gorgeous! I have been having the worst trouble finding a pair of boots and these look perfect! I just jumped on Gilt and they had my size, thank goodness! Let us know what you decide but my vote is they look awesome!

  2. these are nice, but I don't think they look like a $300 pair of boots. I thought Seychelles True Story Boot look better on you.

  3. just wanted to say I really love your blog. I love Lululemon and travelling and running and its really fun to read your posts :-) and I've bought stuff solely on your recommendation eg the Nanoce BB cream and loved it! anyway, I think the boots look awesome and are hot, but yeah get that $300 is a little pricey. depends how often u think u will wear it? here in SF I can wear my boots pretty much year around, so it makes sense on cost per wear basis...

  4. @Sara, wow they still have them? That's great! Glad you found boots that would work for you! Let me know what you think of them when you get them!

    @Anon & blue peanut, I do wish these were like at least 50 bucks cheaper. I think I would get a lot of use out of them, but definitely not all year round. The "winter" time here is really only a few months of the year! But I feel like splurging on these. Hehe.

    And I'm so glad you like the Nanoce BB cream!!! I am still using it everyday and I love it! So easy, I just put it on like lotion. That reminds me, I need to go buy another bottle!

  5. Got them today and absolutely LOVE them! Did you keep yours?

  6. Oh good! I did end up keeping them! I figured they were worth the splurge. I have worn them like 3 times too and they have been super comfy and nice. Love them! =)
