
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ivanka Trump Pinkish Pump - Light Pink or Patent Nude???

So in my last post where I wrote about the shoes I got from Nordstrom, I had mentioned that the Ivanka Trump Pinkish pumps I bought were a little big.  But when I went to get the correct size, Nordstrom was out of my size, so I found them on which had free 2 day shipping.  But what I didn't realize was that I accidentally ordered the wrong color!  They looked almost identical on the stock photo, and I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention.  But the color I got was actually light pink leather, vs. patent nude.  The pink is a very very slight pink, almost like nude with a pink undertone.  The two colors are pretty similar to the point where if I asked my fiance, he would probably tell me they are exactly the same, except one is shinier.  But that's typical boy speak - to me there is a distinct difference.  I've been wanting a pair of patent leather nude pumps forever!  But when I put on the pinkish ones tonight, I actually think they look better with my skin tone.  I feel like the patent nude looks too yellow on me and doesn't lengthen my legs as well as the pinkish ones.  Hmmm decisions decisions!

What do you guys think?  Here are 2 photos of them on me, with flash and no flash - I realize my light colored carpet is not the best background for this comparison but what can you do.  Patent nude on left foot and pinkish on right.

Update:  I did ask my fiance, and as I guessed, he couldn't tell the difference!  So funny.  Here's our text convo word for word because it's so typical man behavior!  I sent him the same pics that I posted here.

Him:  Shoes are different?
Me:  Lol yes baby.  One on left is patent nude and one on right is light pink.  I accidentally ordered wrong color.  Which u like better?
Him:  Can't tell from photo
Me:  Omg how come brad can tell?!  (Brad is my gay bff)
Me:  Do u think the one on left is a little too yellow for my skin tone?
Him:  Yes
Me:  K so u like pink ones better?  They are a very slight pink.  Like nude with pink undertone.  Maybe my accidental mistake paid off
Him:  Yep
Me:  Are u just saying yes to agree cuz u can't tell diff?
Him:  Yep
::::::::Silent response from me:::::::::
Him:  Lol I can sort of tell now that you pointed out.  Right foot was better.


  1. I think the pinkish one looks better on you too! You should go with the one that flatters your skin tone rather than keep the nude ones just because they're nude you know what I mean? Hope that helps in some way. :)

  2. I honestly don't like either. It could be the angle of the camera, but your feet look stuffed in the shoes.

  3. I can tell the difference, and the pink one DEF looks better!

  4. Thanks! It's good to get opinions. =) I think I'm kind of biased just because I've been wanting the nude ones for so long. Now I have to get used to the idea that it may not be the best color for me. These shoes sure don't feel tight. The front is cut to have "toe cleavage".

  5. Toe clevage is sexy! At least that is what I heard recently from a fashion report thing...but I like the pink one wayyyy better on you! it matches with your skin better and the other one looks too "un-nude" if that makes sense, like its not too white/yellow. Can't wait to see some wedding photos! PLz post some! =)

  6. I wish the ones on the right were as "patent-y"/shiny. I love me some patent! Pinkish color does look better though.

  7. No contest. The pink ones look better.

  8. I like the pink undertone pair! Sometimes I see a really light color on a tank or wrap from LLL, and I try it on and think this does not look so great on even though I like the color.

  9. Go with pinkish!!! :) I think they look great, i wana see them with a whole outfit!

  10. p.s. boys are REALLY bad at deciding what looks best--that's what blogs are for ;)

  11. ahhh, he's trying, so sweet. Sounds exactly like my boyfriend. And I agree, the pink ones for sure!

  12. Thanks for all the input guys! You are all so much more useful than my fiance! HAHA. You all made my decision so easy because it's pretty much unanimous! Pink ones it is!!!
