
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Passed the CFA Level 2 Test!!!

I am still in disbelief from the email this morning saying I passed the CFA level 2 test I took back in June!  I was CONVINCED that I had miserably failed it.  In fact, I had about 3 dreams last night with various scenarios of how I got my "sorry you did not pass" emails.  Each of them was so vivid!  So when I actually read the real results this morning, I was so surprised!  Pleasantly, of course!  This means I have only one more level to go before I can put "CFA" after my name!  I believe I will have one of each of the drinks below please!  =D

I don't know how well exactly I did, since they don't release actual scores.  But they do provide a rough percentile breakdown per topic area.  I actually didn't do so well on 3 areas.  Though they are the areas that are worth the least amount of points.  And I did above average in highly weighted topic areas.  So I still have no clue whether I barely passed or killed it.  And I guess I don't really care!

I told myself before I found out the result that I would not continue pursuing this designation if I fail.  Because it takes almost 6 months of constant work/study/work/study/work/study, that it's exhausting!  I just didn't know if it would be worth it.  I was kind of looking forward to not having to study anymore next year.  Haha.  But now I have to take level 3 next June.  This is the point of no return now that I have 2 levels behind me.  At least I can enjoy my summer and holidays, and not worry about it until at least January next year!

This is such a big load off though!  And the best part is I now can get reimbursement money back from work!  They only reimburse exam and study material fees after passing, of course.  And I spent close to $2000 for everything.  That's a nice chunk of cash to buy myself something nice!


  1. Congratulations! I think a massage, pedicure and nice dinner with the fiance are in order :)

    Isn't it the best when all of your hard work actually pays off.

  3. You did it!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!

  4. Congratulations, that's great news!!! You must be so happy - well done!! Looking forward to reading about all your 'superficial endeavours' with the course money ;)

    :) Jenn

  5. YUMMY looking drinks! CONGRATS! You rock!! You should reward yourself with some new lulu ;)

  6. Yay!! Congrats!! Good News for sure!! You deserve that drink!

  7. Congrats! i know that test isn't easy! You totally deserve those drinks and then some good retail rewards! :)
    I tried a some few years ago but I was also planning my wedding and studying for this test. I remember vividly the studying in the evenings and weekends. The day I was taking the test, my fiance calls to give me some bad news during the lunch break about a puppy I wanted and we weren't able to get it. Ruin my mood and totally knew I failed the second half. Anyways, I felt the same, I no longer wanted to pursue it as bad and decided to be in the front end of the investment world with the sales :)

  8. Thanks everyone! You all are so sweet! =) And yes it is so nice to know that your months of hard work paid off. very good feeling indeed! One more level to go next year...

  9. Congratulations! You know when you have to get to your final goal you have to visualize how you gonna get to it 'cause sometimes we feel afraid or something about what we have to do to get success and that's wrong I think that is better when you start to work hard on your dream than when you start thinking what you gonna do with that dream.

  10. "Thanks for sharing this great article with us. You can contact us to prepare for CFA Level 1 Online Videos, CFA Level 2 Online Videos,
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