
Monday, March 28, 2011

WINNERS!!! For The Spin Shoes Giveaway!!

Thank you all so much for sending in your stories to me with regards to the Spin Shoe Giveaway.  I love "getting to know" a little bit of everyone.  I really wish I could have given one to each of you!  But unfortunately I had to draw names out of a hat!  Or... a Lululemon Superhero bag!

First lucky name that came out of the bag is for the Specialized Spirita Touring Shoes, to refresh your memory, this is what they look like:

And the winner is............ drum roll please..........

And there were 2 winners for the Keen Arroyo Pedal shoes, here's the picture of the shoes:

The winners are:


Ok so to keep it fair, I ask that you three please email me your info for shipping if you are still interested.  If you aren't interested anymore, please let me know as well so I can give to someone else instead.  I will wait to hear from you for a week, and if I don't hear from you by next Tuesday (April 5th) then I will do another drawing.

I hope you enjoy these shoes!!!  I'd love to hear from you regarding how you like them as well!

For everyone else out there, thanks again!!  And I'm sure I will do another giveaway some time in the not so distant future!