
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ole Henriksen On The Go Cleanser

I have been using Ole Henriksen's On The Go Cleanser for about two weeks now, and I've been really impressed with it! 

I'm pretty picky about my face wash because my face gets dried out really easily by harsh cleansers.  I've tried so many different ones, and finally settled on the Clinique Liquid Facial Soap (mild).  I've been using that for years because, well why fix it when it ain't broken?  But the other day when I was at Sephora I decided to take a risk and branch out to Ole Henriksen since I've heard great things about it.

There were I believe 4 kinds of facial cleanser that they carried and sounded great, such as the Aloe Vera Deep Cleanser.  I'm a big sucker for aloe vera for some reason.  But the sales associate at Sephora assured me that the On The Go cleanser would be best for my skin type, which is combination.  I almost didn't listen to her, because I'm not a fan of orange colored cleansers.  They just look so industrial and make me feel like they would be really harsh on the skin.  Not zen.  Lol.  But I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it's actually a very gentle cleanser!  But at the same time cleans very well.  I just wish the bottle came with a pump!

I didn't see the 7 oz for sale at Sephora, so I got the big 12 oz.  It's a better deal anyway ($30 for 12 oz vs. $21 for 7 oz).  The sales girl told me it would last forever, and I can really see that!  I've been using it twice a day for 2 weeks and haven't even made a dent in the bottle.  It foams really well, so you really only need a pea size each time.  And, most importantly, I think it cleans better than my Clinique one.  I deduced this because a few times a week, I use toner after I wash my face.  When I was using the Clinique facial soap, I would still see residue leftover from my makeup on the cotton pad I use the toner on, which tells me it didn't clean off all the makeup.  But when I do it after using this Ole Henriksen cleanser, the pad stays clean.  Since I've been using this cleanser, my pores became smaller, and my skin looks smoother.  It's awesome!  It also smells really good too.   Must be the Vitamin C in it!  The per oz price is pretty much the same as the Clinique one, so I think I'm definitely going to stick with this one from now on!  Now I can't wait to go try out other Ole Henriksen products!


  1. YAY!!! I LOVE Ole Henriksen and I'm excited that you're enjoying their cleanser. I just gotta say I highly recommend their sheer transformation lotion. It's oil-free and great for winter because It's super moisturizing without being greasy in any way. I use it twice a day every day and i tell all my friends about it! Even boys like to use it ;) shhh!

    It's kinda a pricey, and no it doesnt have a pump, but you'll love it. Go back to sephora and ask for a free sample of it if you're skeptical. it's amaaaziiiiing!

  2. I had the one that's kind of red colored...some kind of flower one. I really liked it, but didn't notice my pores getting smaller or anything---will try this orange one. Have you tried DHC deep cleansing oil? I got a sample in the mail one day, and absolutely LOVE It!!! Ordered the big size. It literally takes off everything, even eyeliner & mascara, and washes right off! Doesn't dry the skin, & controls my breakouts!

  3. @Lisa, thanks for the recommendation! I will definitely go check it out!

    @Pooki, I've never tried the DHC one, but I'm obsessed with the Shu Uemura cleansing oil. I will go check it out too! I love trying out new products!
