
Sunday, September 26, 2010

DEXTER Season Premier Tonight!

I'm so excited about the Dexter season premier!  It makes my True Blood withdrawal just a little easier to bear!

I swear I have Showtime just for this show.  Well maybe Californication too which I find hilarious.  But yeah, I've been waiting anxiously to see what they have cooking up for us this season! 

(Spoiler alert if you haven't seen the last season!!!)

Especially since how they ended the last season with Dexter's wife being murdered.  Yikes!  I heard that the actress that plays his wife is returning this season though.  But I did see her as the lead actress on the new ABC show, Superhero Family or something?  So, one can deduce she doesn't have much air time on Dexter.  Who knows though, Dexter's dad who has been dead ever since the first episode, has been in pretty much every episode anyways.

So I can't wait to see what happens tonight!  This is one of my favorite shows.  I never thought I would like a show about a serial killer when I first heard about it, but I love the smart and witty writing, especially Dexter's dialogues with himself.  He cracks me up!  It's interesting to be kind of inside the mind of a serial killer.  I do find his sister's character annoying though, but I put up with her because the rest of the show is so good!  Can't believe they are married in real life.  Gross.  Lol. 

Ahhh I'm so glad I have DirecTV so I can watch it at East Coast time.  =)


  1. I've been a huge fan from the beginning. Now I'm hoping the show hasn't jumped the shark. The first episode didn't set forth a compelling direction for this season. In the past I'm always left anxious for what will happen in the following episode. This season premier was actually....boring?

  2. Yeah, I think they had to just wrap up loose ends from the big shocker from last season. The previews of the new season look interesting though, so I'm staying positive! =P
