
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Eight Angle Pose

I decided 2 weeks ago to be really strict about my food and work out religiously until I get a washboard stomach and chiseled body. Call me vain, but I think it will be a huge accomplishment. I don't care so much about my weight per se, I just want to drop body fat. I've lost 5 pounds so far.  But I suspect that for me to get there completely, I might be down to about 115 pounds. That was my weight when I was a sophmore in high school, and had a pretty awesome body from doing those Taebo home videos!  It was so much easier back then with teenage metabolism.

It's really amazing how fast changes can happen though!  I've been following my strict rule of "every bite counts", and putting only good stuff in my body.  Well, with the exception of a little piece of birthday cake, but I kind of had no choice on that one!  I blame it on peer pressure!  But I've been really good otherwise, and I already feel stronger and more energetic and less bloated compared to 2 weeks ago.  I tried out a new pose in yoga the other day - the Eight Angle Pose and was able to accomplish it! This was pretty huge for me, because the last time I tried a similar pose (provided it was probably 2 years ago), there was no way I could have lifted my bottom leg off of the floor!

I know that this is because of the holistic and nutritious foods I've been eating combined with weight or strength training.  I just didn't know that my arms and core were strong enough to do this!  It gives me more motivation to keep going and I hope that I can get there sooner rather than later!  Some cravings can be very tempting...

******************On a side note, I'm still undecided about whether to keep or return my Lululemon Fireside Jacket.  I normally wouldn't post pictures of myself online, but I decided to make an exception because I'm really indecisive and need help!  Any opinions?  Cute?  Cute enough for $100?  Not cute?  Nothing special?  Honest feedback are appreciated!


  1. I love it!! It suits you well! You should keep it :)

  2. I agree--I think it looks super cute!!

  3. I tried on my normal size and a size down in this jacket and I didn't like either on me. In fact, of all the pics I've seen posted on lulus FB site, your pic of it is the best. I have not liked it on anyone except you. Keep it. That said, you obviously have a slim, trim figure, workout regularly and watch what you eat. Don't go crazy trying to lose weight and get chisled. Keep it balanced.

  4. Congrats on being able to achieve Eight Angle pose! That's an accomplishment!

    I think the jacket is cute! It looks great on you.

  5. i think the jacket is way cute but $100 is a lot for a non technical jacket. besides, you know lulu will have like 9 other jackets that are released in the next few weeks...

  6. Jacket is OK -- Im not a fan of grey though -- but it looks great on you -- BUT ..what pants are they -- are they the dance pants or the Seek the Peaks-love them!

  7. Take the jacket back. It's cute but there are way too many jackets out there that are to die for:). For that price you need to love it. Love your blog, btw!

  8. I think it is super cute, keep it! I wish they had that color online...

  9. Thanks for your feedback guys! This is a toughy! And the pants are the coal Dance Studio pants - love them! =)

  10. I think it looks great on you and love it with the dance studio pants, BUT, I always say "when in doubt, return it." Lulu will come out with some much cuter jackets in the fall!

  11. You could return it and take you boyfriend out Asia da Cuba instead....just an idea...

  12. Well...there is that...(what The Boyfriend said)...but, you obviously liked the jacket enough to buy it. Methinks you are reading others opinions...ignore it!! We are all different with different tastes. It looks cute on you. YOU like it. Keep it. Don't get caught up with others think about it...

  13. It looks great on you, but not cute enough for $100. I agree with Imhagood. When in doubt, return it.

  14. Congrats on doing that pose! It looks really tough.

    I think if you are excited about the hoodie (which I thought you were based on a previous post), keep it! It does look good on you. If you're worried something better will come out soon that you'd like more, then return it.

    I see nothing wrong with posting pics online. I like to crop my head out too though, when I do. But I would much prefer to see i.e. lululemon items on real people than reposted images from facebook or lulu's website... I already have access to those myself.

  15. The jacket looks very cute on you - best photo I've seen yet - but if you are having doubts you should take it back, especially since you paid full price for it. When I pay full price for Lululemon, I can't wait to rip the tags off and wear it. I've bought enough that I know if I am lukewarm on something it will end up sitting in my closet. I suspect the Fireside Jacket is something that won't sell that well in LA. However, I know you are a quick-to-sell-out size 2 so it will be a gamble if you can buy it again at a lower price.

  16. I say RETURN IT! They aren't moving very well and they will definitely be on markdown within a month. I've also read comments on the knit getting fuzzy after it has been washed. After a few washings it won't look that good. If you must have it, then get it on markdown.

  17. Hmmm that is a concern regarding the knit part. I didn't really think of that. I would hate for it to be torn or fuzzy after washing so maybe I will take it back. Thanks for your great suggestions everyone!

  18. I have to say I like the fit on you. Did you have to upsize? Was it a snug fit? Thank you!

  19. Thank you! No I actually sized DOWN! I think most people stay true to size though! I like a more snugger fit, but I don't think it was that tight on. You can judge from the picture...

  20. Thank you very, very much. It does look good on you and I actually want to get one now!

  21. Thanks!! I like the lolo purple one and the amazon one that are out right now. Very nice colors!
