
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Group Interval Training

I had such a butt kicking work out today.  I tried out this new circuit training gym in Woodland Hills this morning, called Group Interval Training.  It's kind of the same idea as that Circuit Works place I tried out, where you mix cardio and weights intervals to confuse the body and in turn burn more fat.  These type of work out studios are a hit nowadays in LA.  But I thought the work out was much harder at Group Interval Training than at Circuit Works, and I did tons of things I've never done before!  That is always a plus with me.  I don't like doing the same work outs over and over again - it gets boring and my body gets used to it.

The max group size is 12 people, which makes it a very intimate work out.  Almost like personal training but at much lower price.  The instructor was good and very helpful, without being overbearing or intimidating.  There were 8 other people there at the 8:30 am class.  Everyone was trying really hard and doing their best and sweating a ton!  I love that because it motivates me to do even more. 

They have the top of the line Woodway treadmills - Desmo HP model.  WOW!  What a difference!  The rubber slate is the best running surface I've ever tried, I felt like I could run longer and faster without having any adverse effects on my joints.  Seriously, this beats Equinox's treadmills out the water.  And being a fancy gym that charges almost $200 a month, they have good stuff.  But I could feel the Woodway difference right away and I could even HEAR the difference.  There was almost none of that stomping noise one would normally hear at a gym near the treadmills.  I also did lots of high incline level, fast speed intervals, and side shuffling and running backwards.  The part that almost killed me was when we sprinted at incline 15, then 12.5, then 10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, and back to 0.  NON-STOP for about a minute each level!  When the incline level decreased, we had to increase the speed as well.  Oh my God, it was such a killer!  My heart rate went through the roof and my legs were like jello afterwards.  But it was amazing.  I ended up running 5 miles with all the intervals added up together.

Call me crazy, but after the class ended, I found out that the next class was a TRX class and decided to do it too!  They have the TRX Suspension Training system there.  I've been wanting to try that for a while.  It was developed by the Navy Seal.  It's such a simple idea but is so challenging!  It's basically these ropes that hang off of the ceiling, or a high bar.   You can get a full body versatile work out program out of them.

Looks so simple, but so effective.  Aside from the more conventional biceps, triceps, shoulder, chest, squads and lounges type of reps, imagine putting your feet through the ropes and doing a forearm plank with your feet suspended in the air.  Or a side plank with both feet hanging in the air.  Or a mountain climber without touching the ground.  Or doing a push up but with your hands inside the ropes suspended in midair.  You get to work on your major muscle groups as well as those balancing muscles and core strength.  We did so much with these, I was amazed!  It was such a killer!  Especially since the class had less attendees than the first one.

I found a sample of different things you can do with these... so cool!

I think a really nice thing about these is that you can adjust the intensity by adjusting your body position in relation to the ropes.  You use your own body weight so no need for dumb bells and also you get to work on those long lean muscles at the same time.  It's kind of like pilates in a way.  Be nice to just get a set for the home or to take with while on vacation!

Glad I found Group Interval Training.  There are so many different types of gyms and work outs out there, but it's hard to find something that you love and that works for you.  I'm excited to go back and try out more classes in the future.  The rate is really good - the first 2 weeks is $35 unlimited!!  Can't beat that really.  Then it's like $24 a class, and there are packages that you can buy that decreases the price per class.  Or a monthly unlimited for $199.  I think it's in line with most studios like this out there, and definitely on the cheaper side.  Next time I want to take the Balls and Ropes class where you swing around these thick, long and heavy ropes!  I've seen the Biggest Loser people do it on TV.  How fun!

Ok after 2 heart pumping, sweat inducing work outs, I am done.  Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to do two classes back to back!  I think I will feel it tomorrow for sure.  And for now, it's time for a nap!

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