
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sultra Bombshell!

I finally got a Sultra Bombshell a couple months ago, and I think I've used it enough times now to give it a thumbs up!  I have always heard good things about this clipless curling iron.  But I had my old Hot Tools curling iron from years ago that worked pretty nicely so I didn't need to invest $130 + tax into a new one.  Well, the Hot Tools iron finally kicked the bucket, so I moved onto bigger and better things.  =)

Well... the Sultra Bombshell is actually much smaller and lighter than the Hot Tools one!  That must count for something in itself.  It looks so simple though, with only one temperature setting - you literally can only switch it on or off (it heats up super fast though).  I was a little skeptical, but after my awesome experience with my Ghd flat iron which also only has on/off yet works like magic - I was willing to give this a chance to prove itself too.

I had never used a clipless iron before, so the very first time was a bit awkward.  I watched some YouTube videos beforehand, which seemed easy enough - just get a strand of hair and wrap it around the iron, hold in place for 5 seconds or so and let go.  But some of my curls still came out kinky the first time.  I wore the glove that came with the iron, but it made my hand so hot and I wasn't really able to get a good gage of how much hair I had left that was uncurled.  So I ditched it the second time and every time after that.  I actually find it much easier without the glove.  Just have to be careful not to touch the iron and burn my hand.

The learning curve was rather short.  My second time was much better than first time already!  I find that with the Sultra Bombshell, the curls come out looking more like beachy waves rather than prim-and-proper curls, which is exactly what I like.  The best part is that the curls stay curled pretty much until I wash my hair, and I don't have to use any hairspray or other hair products at all!  If I curl my hair the night before and sleep on it, they still look good the next morning.  Sure they will relax a little, but there is no need for touch-ups.  I think my old Hot Tools iron worked well in the beginning.  But as it aged, I found that I had to put hairspray in my hair after curling, or else the curls would fall out within a couple hours.  The Sultra Bombshell has many really good reviews, and considering the price tag, I hope it will last this way for years!

This is what it looks like right after using it, so the curls here are as tight as it gets:

I got mine from Sephora when they sent me a 15% off coupon, so it knocked off a few bucks.  I've been using it at least once a week for the past couple months, and have no complaints so far!  I hope this turns out to be a good long term investment!

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  1. Your hair looks awesome! I might have to get one. Cute tank too :)

  2. Love the curls! I have long, thicker hair as well and find when I curl it, it never really lasts. Thanks for the info!

    1. Give it a shot! It might work! If not, Sephora will take it back lol.

  3. You are lucky your hair is strong! Mine breaks right off from heat styling

    1. Awww that sucks! I find that if I use it too much, the end of my hair will become more breakable too. But I only do so a couple times a week, and I use heat protectant spray beforehand. Not sure if that really helps...

  4. umm... when i first saw the picture of the curling iron, i thought it was something else (hint - something a little more personal). i eagerly read the review and then clearly misunderstood and realized i was mistaken. LOLOLOL

    1. LOL! I actually thought the same thing! Hehehe... but, I might actually have recommendations for that as well lol!

    2. I have a pen and pad ready! Recommendations please!!! One girl to another, sometimes best Friday nite date
