
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Done With Studying Forever!!!!!!!!!!!

I am SO HAPPY to announce that I passed Level 3 of the CFA exam!!!  If you've been reading my blog for a while, you are probably familiar with my constant complaining about having to study!  I started taking Level 1 of the CFA exam in December 2010, then Level 2 in June 2011, and most recently Level 3 in June 2012.  Level 1 is offered twice a year - every June and December.  While Levels 2 and 3 are only offered once a year in June.  So taking Level 1 in December, then Levels 2 and 3 the following 2 Junes is the fastest way to do it.  Most people do not pass on their first try (you have to pass them sequentially), so this could drag onto many many years.  It's a very tough series of exams, which they compare to a graduate level degree since you have to spend hundreds of hours studying each level.

Glitter Graphics

SOOOOOO, I am beyond ecstatic to have passed all 3 levels on the first try!!!  It feels so good to be done with it, and know that all my hard work finally paid off.  I also feel so loved today since I got so many congratulatory emails and messages, when the secret came out at work too.  I swear I spent all day responding that I didn't really do any real work!  :D

I'm so happy to never have to study again and to get my Memorial Days back!!!  The June exams always take place on the Saturday after Memorial Day weekend, so I have no done anything but studying hardcore the past 2 years.  From now on, I am going big every Memorial Day!!!

And this makes my birthday party this Saturday night even better!  Now I have two occasions to celebrate!!!


  1. Wooohoo!!! Congrats!!! Go find a fancy drink and celebrate! ...& reward yourself with a trip to lulu ;)

  2. Beauty, brains, AND class? Girl, you are amazing!! Congrats and celebrate well this weekend!!!

  3. Congratulations and have a great celebration over the weekend, you deserve it! :)

  4. It's a rare occasion that someone has passed all 3 in the first go (I work in Capital Markets in Toronto - so same, but different) and I know how hard my colleagues and friends have had to study, so congratulations! Have a wonderful birthday and a great celebration evening :)

    1. Thanks!!! It's funny, no matter how you describe to people, no one really understands what is required by this CFA thing unless they work in the industry or have attempted it themselves. It's pretty brutal. Definitely time to celebrate big time! :D

  5. Congrats and enjoy your celebration!!!

  6. CONGRATS GIRL!!! :) That is an amazing accomplishment....time to treat yourself to some new LULU :P

    1. Oh I did buy myself a power purple outfit from Monday night's upload! :D

  7. Congratulations that is so awesome :D

  8. Congratulations -- and happy birthday too! (fellow Leo)

  9. Congratulations! I haven't had to take tests of that kind of magnitude, but I do know that any kind of test once you're in the professional world (where all your coworkers know about the results) is super stressful! You must be so relieved!


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