
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Obol, the Never-Soggy Cereal Bowl

Ok, I know this is very silly but I have this issue with eating cereal where I never really want it to touch the milk for too long.  I just hate soggy cereal!  So a while ago I was at Brookstone and saw the Obal Never-Soggy Cereal Bowl, and thought that my prayers had been answered!  It's so simple, yet awesome.

Tadaaaa!!!  Amazing.  Now I can eat my cereal in peace and not have to wolf it all down before it gets soggy like I used to do.

I actually put this bowl on my wedding registry, but nobody got it for me.  WTH?  Actually not that many people got us presents anyway, we got mostly cash.  So much cash, in fact, that we made a couple grand from our wedding... LOL!  So I guess I really can't complain that people would rather write me a $200 check than buy me a $20 bowl.  Come to think of it actually, why didn't I just buy it myself?  It's only $20... I've surely spent way more money than that in a blink of an eye...

But my awesome husband ended up buying it for me as a surprise!  I was so excited, I don't know what's wrong with me.  But seriously, how awesome is this bowl!  I don't like too much milk anyway, so I just do a spoonful of cereal, and then dip it in milk, then eat and take my sweet time.  All my problems are solved.

At the time my husband bought it, they only had green and orange colors.  But the blue one below is mighty pretty.  I love the idea of putting milk and oreo cookies in the same bowl too without the cookies getting soggy!  Oh the endless possibilities...


  1. Ohhh that is just GENIUS! I can think of so many things to use it for!! The oreo thing is also awesome :) The only problem I can foresee is instead of eating 2-3 cookies, I would end up eating a BOWL of cookies! ha!

  2. Ohh -- Sprinkles and ice cream -- I hate when you run out of sprinkles but still have ice cream -- now you can just slip some over!! LOVE IT!!

  3. I like soggy cereal and don't enjoy it when it's not soggy! lol

    1. Wow really? That's so funny... I'm the complete opposite! I would rather eat my cereal dry lol.

  4. Cool bowl. Though I'm used to pouring in the milk after the cereal, so I feel like I wouldn't know how much milk to pour on its own without the cereal as a reference. But I had soggy cereal too. I need to eat it as soon as I pour the milk and before any of it can get soggy.

    1. Lol yep yep, I think we all probably use less milk than you'd think? I always poured my milk after cereal as well, and I always made sure the milk doesn't surpass the height of the cereal. That way at least the cereal on top would stay dry a little longer. And then I'd literally eat the whole thing in under 5 seconds so none of it had time to get soggy. Lol... not very civilized of me!
