
Friday, March 9, 2012

Epionce Renewal Eye Cream

I first started using the Epionce skin care line about 6 months ago when my esthetician recommended the Lytic lotion to me.  I really like that product, even though it is pricey.  But on the flip side it does last a very long time.  My first tube lasted about 5 months!  I use it every morning and night.  So I bought a second tube.  I really do think this the lytic product works really well.  It evens out the texture and color of your skin so that you don't really need to wear makeup!  I still do though.. haha..

So I figured that their Renewal Eye Cream is probably also a good product, and bought it with high expectations.  Especially after reading some good reviews about it online.

I have been using different eye creams since I was like 22 and thought I was getting old.  But now that I'm 28, I have noticed more fine lines right under my eyes.  Ugh!  It really really annoys me, you will find me constantly examining my fine lines with my face smashed against a mirror.  I know that it's just me being self-conscious, but I really hate this particular sign of aging.  Out of the many products I've tried, I actually have gotten the best results from the Chanel eye cream.  I can't remember which one it was exactly though, it's been a few years and I think they have changed up their product line.  But I remember being amazed at the complete disappearance of lines!  I only stopped using it because I wanted to try out other products, like La Mer - what a waste of money that was.  Maybe should just stick with what works huh?  Every time I try something else, it takes many months to finish the product, so I never got around to going back to Chanel.

Anyway, so I've been using the Epionce Renewal Eye Cream for about a month now.  I must say that I am disappointed in this product!  In the beginning I was shocked at how greasy it was.  I guess you can call it "moisturizing".  But to me it is very very similar to the texture of ointments such as Neosporene.  Even though my eye area looks all oily after application, I feel like it just sits there without being absorbed.  There is no way I would wear it during the day.  Even at night after putting it on, I feel like it's going to get my pillows greasy if I sleep on my side.  And the next morning, it's still greasy!

And I guess the worst part is that it seemed to make my lines even more obvious!  I don't know if I'm just crazy, but there is one line under my left eye that is deeper than all the others.  Ever since I started using this product, I see that line more and more.  What the heck?  I've stopped using it for a few days now, and I feel like my skin is getting better.  So I'm kind of annoyed that I wasted $70 on this.  

I think I'm going to go back to using Chanel and hopefully get the same results.  I just wish I could remember which one it was!  There are 3 different ones, I believe.  The most expensive one on their website is $200 which I don't remember paying that much for.  There is also one for $100 and one for $85.  So it must've been one of those!  Why are eye creams so expensive?  At least they last a long time...


  1. I have been using Chanel Ultra Correction Line Repair for many years. It is around $85 now. I remember when it was $55. I have used the other more expensive Chanel eye creams, but always go back to this one. I do not have any fine lines around my eyes and I am close to 40 years old. I only use it at night. I tried La Mer once and it was a huge disappointment. Sunglasses, Skinceuticals SPF, and hats also do wonders. Thanks for your blog. Really enjoy reading.

    1. Oh thanks for the info! I am now pretty sure that is the one I used to buy too because I remember it being around $60 something after taxes. But it used to come in a different container right? The one I used before was white and same size as the other ones, not the tall container that it comes now...?

  2. Hi, It used to come in a white tub with a black lid. It also had a little spatula to dip the product out. The packaging has changed to the taller pump bottle. It still lasts a long time....just be careful the first few times you press the pump, until you get used to it. You would not want to dispense too much. I miss the little tub. It has changed over the years from glass to plastic. It was very elegant.
    My last trip to the Chanel counter, I was given a large sample of the Ultra Correction Lift. It works wonderfully if you have puffy eyes. One morning I woke up with puffy eyes and tried it. Puffy eyes disappeared! I decided not to buy it, because it dried out in a tightly sealed tub in a short time. Products last me forever, and at $100 I did not want it to dry out. If it came in a much smaller size I would buy it for emergencies.

    1. Ok that sounds exactly like the one I used to buy!! I'm going to try it out again for sure. And I agree 100 is too much for a product that dries out quickly. I can't even believe they raised the price of the line correction one so much in only a few years!

  3. Because of your previous post on epionce, I bought lytic lotion and I love it. It's amazing, and for the result and how little I need to put on every time, I think it's actually pretty cost effective. Thanks! :)

    1. Wow that's so good to hear!! Yeah 2 tubes a year for a little over $100 is really a small price to pay for good complexion!

  4. Many people are still unsure if eye creams must be really included in their day to day regimen. There are instances when they simply assume that facial moisturizer is already enough for doing the job. However, based on eye cream reviews, it is important for you to know that the area surrounding your eyes is more sensitive than the other parts of your face.
