
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Romeo & Juliet Couture Double Breasted Knit Sweater

This is what I've been waiting for and I didn't even know!  I saw this Romeo & Juliet Outure sweater on Hautelook for only $45 and thought it was cute so I ordered it.  And then I almost returned it since I wasn't sure how much I'd wear it.  What was I thinking??  I love it!

It's so great to have a sweater like this that I can wear open or buttoned.  It also works as a sweater or a jacket.  I can wear it to work or as street wear.  Super versatile!  I've been wearing it two days in a row.  It's pretty comfy too.

The buttons need to be reinforced though, I think, since they are not hanging on that well.  I would hate to lose buttons.  I don't understand why they couldn't have done a better job sewing the buttons on, especially at the original price of $152.  I'd be pissed to have to reinforce my buttons after paying that amount for a sweater.  

Otherwise it's a really nice sweater.  And the fit is like how it fits the model - you can layer stuff under it.  

I actually bought another sweater during the same sale, but I'm definitely returning it.  

I think it looks kind of unattractive on the model above, but looks much cuter in a different color on a different model:

It does have a cute fit in person, but you can't really wear it open like the model in the light gray photo above.  Since it's double breasted, the side with more buttons kind of hangs down by the weight of the buttons - you can see that they folded the extra fabric in on the model.  So the only option to wear it is to zip it up, then button it up.  That' just not going to work for me.  I'd keep it if I could wear it open.  Oh well, saves me 45 bucks for something better.


  1. Moi aussi j'aime beaucoup ces pulls, j'en ai deux. Tu devrais aller voir la marque comptoir des cotonniers, ils font des pulls très beau et de bonne qualité et bientôt c'est les soldes en France:

    bonne soirée (pour nous c'est la nuit là)

  2. Hi Audrey! Ok again I will speak to you in English... lol I like that we communicate in different languages, especially with my very broken French. But it's coming back to me. Don't you think clothes in Europe are nicer? But they are much more expensive than in the US. The site you sent has some cute stuff for sure. Too bad they are not sold here for me to check out! =P

  3. Je pense qu'il y a une différence de qualité et de finition. Les finitions françaises sont de meilleurs qualités, je pense. Le style est plus classique avec beaucoup de détails. Regarde ces deux sites, c'est vraiment le style du moment en France:,4,0,75,5

    bonne nuit

  4. Oui, je suis d'accord.

    Thanks for the links! Love seeing what's in style over there. I am planning to go to Paris next year so I will be well prepared!!! =)

  5. If you come to Paris, I hope that we can some sport together. Excuse my English is very poor!

  6. Sounds good! Actually I meant I am going to Paris THIS year, since it is January now! I want to go for Christmas!! Would be great to have a local guide. =)

  7. OK, I'll work my English, it will be easier to talk!
