
Saturday, January 14, 2012

OT - Finally Got A Facebook Page!

I know, I know... I am really behind.  But for the longest time, I couldn't figure out how to create a facebook page, then link to my account, then link to my blog.  Lol.  But I got it now after many trials and errors.  The weirdest problem I encountered was that every time I used my facebook comment box, my own comments would only be visible to myself while I was logged into facebook!  As soon as I logged out, my comments would "disappear".  Very strange.  I don't even know how exactly I fixed it!  Anyway, I think they stick now so I can actually make use of my facebook comment box and reply to people!

Of course, the blogger comment box still works just like before.  Although I did change it from a pop up to embedded within the post.  Because Blogger just came out with a new comment thing that allows replies to specific comments.  But it does not work on pop ups.  We'll see how this goes.  I'd appreciate any feedback!

Anyway, so I also finally figured out how to add a facebook like box on the right hand side of the blog.  So please feel free to "Like" me!  =)

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