
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas!  My parents and their dog came in town yesterday, and my mom started cooking and feeding us right away!  Needless to say, all diets went out the window.  So I'm still trying to recover from my food coma before eating more today.  Hahaha... eeek definitely need to work out A LOT next week!!

Glitter Graphics

We didn't really want to do gifts this year, because somehow Christmas came so fast and it didn't even feel like it!  So we decided to just do little presents.

And hubby and I got each other the same present!!  Kindle!  Haha... so funny!!!

My mom got us a belated wedding gift / Christmas gift.  It is SO SO cute!  I have never heard of this, but there is a website called where you can design your own book with words and pictures from their archive, and they print and bind it for you into a real book!  I guess it is meant to be love books, where you write on each page something like "I love you because...", but my mom wanted to make it more like a life story book.  So she wrote all about my life and the important milestones, and whatever she knows of hubby's life.  And how we met, our wedding, etc. etc.  Really cute!  This is how it looks:

And this page is so funny, I guess my mom knows (and remembers) my Lululemon obsession!  Though I'm not quite size 2, but it's still funny!

And here are some other pages - this book is about 80 pages so I'm not going to post all of it!  Haha... it's pretty time consuming, but I think it's a great present!  I love this book!

I can't remember if I ever wrote about how I met my hubby (Josh), so I guess I should preface this with our little story:  I was studying in Australia in 2004, and on December 16 I was on my way to Fiji (then home) at the Sydney airport.  Josh's brother was also studying abroad there, so Josh went to visit him and they happened to also be flying home on the same day.  We met and chatted at the airport for a bit while waiting for flights and exchanged emails at the end.  But didn't think too much of it.  After I got home, I had to go back to Santa Barbara and finish college while Josh came back to LA.  Then a few years later he was moving and found his Australia stuff, and decided to shoot me an email.  At that time, I had finished college and moved to LA as well and we found out that we lived 2 minutes away from each other!  So he invited me to go to a friend's birthday dinner with him, and as they say, the rest is history...

So if you feel like spending the time to write a book for someone you love, I think this website is a great idea!  

Merry Christmas everyone!!


  1. Wow, you have an awesome "meet cute" story. What a thoughtful gift!
