
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Coming Home Today!

I can't believe we are coming back home today! After 3 weeks of living out of a backpack and moving from place to place I am actually ready for home. If I had more clothes and a washer and dryer I would love to continue to travel. But at the moment I am sick of all my clothes and sick of wearing yoga pants all day!

We didn't plan the departure part of our trip very well, as we are in Slovenia now but flying out of Venice. It's about a 3 hour drive and our flight is at 7 am which means I am up at 1 am waiting for our ride. I don't know why we didn't think of leaving out of Ljubljana which is the Slovenian capital city only about an hour from where we are now.

Speaking of where we are now, it is called Bled and its just about the most gorgeous place on earth! There is a lake here with a little island in the middle that they built a church on. Also a little castle on top of a cliff. It is so picturesque here I just love it. It's the perfect retreat. I could spend a long time here just relaxing. This is one of the highlights of our trip and I am already planning to move here someday!

Croatia was fun too but very very touristy even now. Many towns are solely based on tourism which isn't really my cup of tea. It's beautiful to look at, but at the end of the day it's just a nice coast which we have in LA too. So I am not too eager to go back there. It's funny cuz we spent the most days in Croatia out of every country we went to. We went to 4 cities in Croatia going down the coast, from Opatija (complete tourist town built for old European royals) to Split, Dubrovnik and Zagreb. Split is the second largest city of Croatia and there is the most well preserved roman ruins there. I really like that kinda stuff so I was very happy there. Dubrovnik is a beautiful medieval city too that is an island that is completely walled off. But nothing much to do there other than eat seafood, which is fun of course. Zagreb is the capital city and a cute one which I wouldn't mind going back to some time but not at the top of my list.

Ok my ride is here so I will have to finish up later! A long day of flying ahead...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You haven't updated your blog for a week, hoping you made it home safe and sound....

  2. Hi Becky! I am home, I've been working all week since I got back, and immediately falling asleep after I get home from the gym. Hahaha... I've been meaning to write for the past few nights but just couldn't stay awake! Damn jetlag... anyway, thanks for checking up on me! You are too sweet!!

  3. Haha, I was starting to get worried! Glad to see you are back and will read your newest post now :)
