
Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm Married =)

It's been almost exactly 24 hours since I had my beautiful wedding yesterday.  It really turned out to be perfect!  I am so happy with everything, even though there were moments where we were stressed out with timing.  I'm indecisive and I can't handle so many people asking me where I want everything to go.  Then we had to get ready for photos since we were taking couples session prior to the ceremony.  We were running so late that the photographer was here waiting on us for like an hour!  He kept himself busy though with taking pictures of the setting, arrangements and accessories.  We ended up having only about an hour before the ceremony for photos.  But I think he was able to get everything he needed.  It was very gogogo though, I didn't even have time to go use the restroom!

It was also lightly sprinkling for a while about an hour before the ceremony.  But for some magical reason, the sun came out for about 30 minutes right when we were ready to walk out.  We didn't even have time to do any rehearsals before, but everyone walked out and spaced it perfectly.  I think my parasols were a big hit.  And guests were momentarily confused about my man of honor being on my side and a girl being on the other.  Hahaha.  Then my mom and I walked out to the beautiful song (seriously most perfect song I could have picked), it really was a magical moment!  I couldn't bear looking at any of the parents or wedding party though, because they were either bawling or about to.  And I knew that if I looked at them I would start crying too.  So I just focused on picking out people I recognized among the guests.  Thank God my mom held it together.  Except she wanted to bolt down the aisle and I had to hold her back!

So I guess the only faux pas was that the officiant guy turned off the mic.  He was so old I don't think he even knew.  So people couldn't hear him well, and he was also going a little fast.  But it wasn't a big enough deal.  The speeches the best man and man of honor gave were so beautiful and touching.  Our first dance was great as my new husband sang along to the song he proposed to me with.  The food was so good, drinks were awesome (my lychee drink was really popular!).  Oh yeah I did manage to cut the top of my eyelid open a little bit during the photo session when the photographer told us to throw the parasols and one landed on me.  It was a bit bloody but didn't hurt.  It missed my eye luckily!  Overall everything went extremely well and everyone kept telling me it was the most beautiful and intimate wedding they have ever been to.  Well I guess they probably just said that to be nice, but I really thought it was pretty great.  LOL!  Too bad I didn't have time to take any pictures myself of the decorations and stuff, but I guess that's what I paid the photographer for.  And all the guests will have plenty.

My photographer was pretty fast, he quickly edited some pictures and put up a slideshow at the reception!  Of course he's gonna do more work on them later on, but I thought that was pretty neat.  He also put up a teaser picture on facebook right after he got back to the hotel!  It looks amazing with the clouds in the sky and what he did to manipulate the photo.  He was hoping for cloudy weather, and I wanted a sunny ceremony, so we both got what we wanted because right after the ceremony the clouds came in and out again.  They sure do show up great in the picture!  So dramatic!

Now that I am officially married, I really don't feel that different.  But I am so glad to be able to stop worrying about wedding stuff and just enjoy life now.  Can't wait till we go on our honeymoon!  

Here is my pretty wedding band that I just took a pic of while writing this as you can see the post in the background!  =)


  1. Congrats! Can't wait to see more pics...please post more! Have a great time on your honeymoon =)

  2. Congratulations! The dock photo is beautiful! So pleased that everything went well.

  3. Congratulations! So happy for you!

    What a beautiful picture of you and your husband.

    I am so glad everything turned out so well for you and have an AMAZING honeymoon.
    :) E

  5. Awww YAY! Your wedding sounds like it was great!!! And I'm proud of your for not crying, haha.

    Also I can't beleive that one of the parasols hit your eyelid--that was a close call! Have a wonderful honeymoon!

  6. p.s. i'm really curous about what song your first dance was to!

  7. Thanks everyone!!! The song was Early April Morning by Brendan James. :)

  8. Congratulations! Sounds amazing :)

  9. Congratulations! Sounds like it was a gorgeous day!


  10. Congrats J!! Sounds like it was a beautiful event :-) Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.

  11. Congrats! Your photo and ring are amazing. Have a great time on your honeymoon. I look forward to reading about it when you return.

  12. COngrats!! -- Gorgeous photo!! -- Glad everything went great!! Have a great honeymoon!
