
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My DIY Wedding Bouquet

Ok, so my wedding bouquet DIY project is done, and I'm ready to show off my handy work.  I actually can't believe I made a bouquet as I've never done any floral arrangements before.  So it's amazing to myself that I was even able to put everything together into a bundle!  YouTube tutorials helped.  But I guess mostly you just have to get in there and do it.  Surprisingly it wasn't all that difficult given the proper tools, such as pliers, floral wire, floral tape, and a hot glue gun!

I'm not 100% sold on my own bouquet yet.  Lol.  My fiance says he likes it, but what else could he say after watching me struggle for hours.  I am glad I have something for now, and I can still consider buying either a vintage jewel bouquet or fresh flower one from a professional.  But nevertheless, here are some pictures I took of my work!  I tried to go for a more rustic look given that my wedding will be surrounded by mountains and lake...

Remember these flowers I bought a couple weeks ago:

I used most of them, and now they look like this:

View straight from the top

Side view

Slightly tilted to show the more "colorful" side

So there it is!  I tried to add different pops of color, as well as some bling without making it look too crazy.  I do believe it was as good as I could have done, and I actually enjoyed the process.  So regardless of what happens, I had fun doing it!  So maybe I should hold it proudly as I walk down the aisle and not be self-consciously thinking that everyone else hates my bouquet!  Hehe.


  1. You did aan excellent job--I love it! No need to be self conscious!

  2. honestly, thats fricken amazing! Love it! If you would have said it was professional I would totally believe it! KEEP IT!

  3. Think you did a great job! And it's so much more meaningful this way! My two best friends helped me put together my wedding bouquet as well as the bridesmaid's bouquet and then corsages for the wedding party. Not only did we save loads this way, it's so nice to look back at the pictures and know that they were made with love. Stick with making it yourself. I don't think you'll regret it. Anyway, I'm sure you'll look so lovely no one will notice the flowers (in a good way!!).

  4. It looks AMAZING!!!!
    Very professional.
    Good job.

  5. As someone who has spent DAYS looking at wedding things, I think it looks amazing! Definitely keep it, it's the little things like this that make a wedding so much more personal and special (in my opinion)!

  6. I love it! Great job. No need to be embarrassed, be proud of that bouquet! I don't think anyone would know you were the one to make it (unless you tell people).

  7. Awww thanks guys! That does make me feel a little bit better about it. Hehe. =)

  8. I Think you did a great job -- i love the little touch with the amber jewels -- great job -- walk down that aisle and hold it proudly!!

  9. Very nice, MSE. You should be proud. What a nice touch, making it yourself. Looks beautiful :)

  10. Soooo nice! Seriously looks professional

  11. you will be crazy not to use it for your wedding! it looks awesome!
