
Monday, May 2, 2011

Givenchy Phenomen'Eyes Mascara & Blinc Kiss Me Mascara

As usual, I like to pretty much try every kind of mascara out there.  For the past few months, I have been trying the Givenchy Phenomen'Eyes Mascara which was a disappointment, especially considering that it costs $30!  I thought it looked cute, and was an intriguing idea.  But I should have just returned it after the first time.

So the little stubby brush head is supposed to be designed so that you can get to the deepest root and corner of your lashes.  But it really just doesn't work well.  It takes some getting used to too.  At first I was so frustrated because no matter how many times I brushed it on, it still looked like I had no mascara on.  Then, I figured out that it works a lot better if I hold the brush like a pencil and brush it onto my lashes with the point towards my eye.  But still, it is not the "phenomenal" volume like I expected. 

It's also a pretty wet mascara, so if you curl your lashes first, the wetness will just drag the lashes down so you have to curl your lashes again afterwards.  Whatever.  It's just not very impressive, and I'm peeved that it costs so much.

So after like 3 weeks of messing with it, I decided to get the Blinc Kiss Me Mascara.  I've heard great things about this mascara, so I expected a lot too.  Sadly, it does not live up to my expectations either.

This is a tube mascara, and it was my first time trying the tube technology.  It's called tubing because the mascara forms little tubes around each lash.  Here is the description in their words:

Blinc Kiss Me Mascara is the original tube-technology mascara. It's invented to form tiny water-resistant "tubes" around your lashes for maximum amplification and hold, rather than painting them like conventional mascaras. Once applied, the tubes bind to your lashes and cannot run, smudge, clump, or flake, even if you cry or rub your eyes.

The only way to remove it is with hot water (cold doesn't work).  No makeup remover can remove this mascara.  But with hot water, it comes off really easily.  The little tube residue gets washed off in the sink and kind of resemble lashes.  I had read that this technology has been around for years, but in the beginning women were scared since they thought the mascara was taking off their lashes each time they washed their face.  I do like the fact that it's not paint, so it comes off easily and completely, leaving nothing behind.  I feel like it's probably healthier for the eyelashes, for some reason.  

With this mascara and the tube technology, you can build your lashes.  It really works too when you put multiple coats on, the lashes just seem to grow and become super long.  I love the length it builds.  At the same time, it doesn't look clumpy at all.  But what I don't like about it is that when you are applying the mascara, it is very very wet and takes a long time to dry and set.  But once it sets, it won't budge at all.  If you try to comb your eyelashes after it sets, you will take off some of the tubes with the comb so then it looks like you have no mascara on again.  So you have to re-apply.  If some of your lashes stick together from applying multiple coats, it's a huge pain to try to separate them.  Plus, since it is a super wet mascara during application, it's definitely pointless to try to curl your lashes first.  But when you wait till it dries to curl your lashes, the lash curler kind of takes off some of the mascara with it on the base of your lashes.  LOL!  It's really stupid.  So I've been wrestling with this mascara for about a month now and it's not getting any better.  When I used it in Florida, the humidity in the air kind of destroyed the mascara too.  It didn't smudge, because tubes can't smudge, but I did notice that at times some of the tubes fell off.  Hmmmmm... not good.  

I really love how long it makes my bottom lashes look though, so I think I need to only use this mascara on my bottom lashes and find a new one for the top.  I really do like the tube technology, so I think I will try the De Javu Fiberwig mascara next.  It also has lots of good reviews and I hope it will not disappoint like the Blinc Kiss Me.


  1. I use the L'oreal tube mascara and i LOVE it!
    Thanks for the mascara reviews, i have really long eyelashes and i can never seem to reach every lash, so any reviews that mean i don't have to spend the $ myself helps :o)

  2. I have a tube of the Blinc from a while ago. I don't know if it's just me and my issue with mascara, but after I've been wearing it a while, my eyes feel so dry and tired. Sometimes it happens with other mascara I wear to, i think. I've mostly been using Full and Soft by Maybelline recently, when I can stand the dry eyes!

  3. @Travelbug: Ohhhh I didn't know L'oreal made tube mascara as well. I will have to look for it. I mainly shop at Sephora, do you know if they sell it there? You are lucky to have long lashes!! Mine are ok, but I recently pulled off some lashes on accident on my right eye and now it's got a bald portion. Lol. It takes soooo long for new lashes to grow out! I see little roots coming out but seems like it will be a while... my fiance says nobody will notice unless I point it out but it makes me feel so self-conscious!

    @jennifer: I have never had dry eye problems with any mascara... maybe something in them doesn't sit well with you. =( That sucks, I wonder if they make hypoallergenic mascaras?

  4. I am always in pursuit of the best mascara as well! My favorite (i've tried everything from chanel to clinique to too faced) is Cover Girl lash blast (there are several but i have only used the "volume" version)! The brush is rubbery and helps keep your lashes from clumping when you put it on, AND it really makes my lashes amplified way more than any other brand I have tried. Plus, since its only about $8, I don't feel like im breaking the bank when I replace it every two months. Mascara is something you should replace frequently, so it's nice to find one that is affordable, and give all those others a run for their money. Try it!!!! :) You will love it!

  5. My top 3 favorites are:

    1. Fiberwig (I used to have to import that stuff from Japan before Sephora started carrying it!) You're gonna be obsessed once you try it, they also have a bottom lash wand called Tiny Sniper.

    2. MAC Zoom Fast Black Lash (can be hard to deal with cause it is SO BLACK and if you mess up a little it's hard to get off your skin)

    3. Loreal's Stiletto I think it's called? Its cheap and easy ;o)

  6. Sadly, I can't wear mascara. Immediately after I put it on, I want to claw my eyes out, they become so itchy!! Instead, I get my lashes tinted black so at least they show up, otherwise they are fairly blonde.

  7. L'Oreal Voluminous. Cheap and AMAZING. I know lots of people who use it. I always get tempted and try others, from very expensive to very inexpensive but I always always go back to Voluminous. Original with curved brush in Black. The variations they have made are not as good.

  8. Thanks for the reviews! I'm sorry that Blinc isn't working out for you because I love Blinc and have been using it religiously for the last 3-4 years. I've also tried out Fiberwig, and it's pretty much exactly the same, just the wand is curved. I love Blinc because for some reason, high end mascara or not, I ALWAYS get raccoon eyes without the hour. I don't know if it's because my lashes are oily, or it's the shape of my eyes, but I always end up with a dark line under my bottom lid.

    I agree that the mascara is really wet, but just like with any new mascara, you can swipe a bit of it off with tissue paper first, and then just apply a little of it. I have short Asian lashes, and I like that this one separates and lengthens. I hope Fiberwig works out better for you!

  9. check out
    have read about it but not tried it.

  10. I'm giving lashdip a try this week. I'm a fitness instructor and workout a lot (sweat, smudge, shower, repeat) and wear minimal makeup. With this all I'll need is a dash of lipgloss and I'll be all set - a little eyeliner if i want more. Easypleasy. Want me to report back?

  11. Hi! Ever since I discovered fiberwig years ago, it's the only mascara I use. The formula changed a little bit (it used to be called Imju fiberwig) and it's more water-y than before. it still has great results and doesn't sound as wet as the kiss me brand that you've been using. I love fiberwig bc:
    1. comes off with warm water, without removing my lashes. some eye removers actually make my eyelashes fall off!
    2. it doesn't smudge at all. i never have to wipe under my eyelids like I did with other mascaras!
    3. most importantly - it truly holds the curl, from morning till night! i never had a mascara that can hold the curl on my stick straight asian lashes!

    hopefully you'll love fiberwig as much as i do! good luck! :)

  12. Thanks for the advice guys! Looks like I might have to put some more mascaras on my "to try" list. I'm very curious about Fiberwig so I think I will definitely try that soon. I heard that it was the #1 selling mascara in Japan for like 10 years or whatever. I do think Japanese and Koreans know how to make good makeup! I always tend to gravitate towards their makeup brands.

    @fivefootgal: I love that the Fiberwig holds curl! My lashes tend to fall down a bit by the end of the day too. Would love a mascara that doesn't do that!

    @Anon: I've never heard of lashdip but would love to hear about it so please do let me know! It sounds awesome, but I wonder if it's a fad?

    @Lulaholic: I actually used to use the L'oreal voluminous and loved it. But then I replaced it with the Dior Show. Then found that one to dry out too quickly so I've tried a bunch more after that. I totally forgot about that mascara until now! Maybe I should pick up another and see.

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