
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hi from Florida!

I flew to Fort Lauderdale on a red eye Tuesday night on Virgin, and have been enjoying the sun ever since we got here yesterday!  It's so nice and warm here, at about mid-80s with breeze.  It's not that humid yet at all, and it's just gorgeous!  My fiance's aunts and their families live here.  We are staying at one of his aunt's little vacation beach houses in Del Rey Beach which is about a 40 minute drive from Fort Lauderdale.  It is so cute and the beach is literally across the street.  This is the view from the big deck at breakfast.  I think I could definitely get used to this!

The beach here is so nice, and the water is super warm!  Unlike the ocean in LA which is always freezing.  They have these cabanas and beach chairs/ umbrellas you can rent, which I've never seen before and kind of neat.  I really enjoy the cabanas because I can read without having to deal with the sun in my eyes!  Oh yes, I am being a good girl and brought my study material!

I think we definitely under-estimated the sun here!  We were out for only an hour yesterday with SPF 15 sunscreen on, and we both got weird red spots from where we missed while half-assedly applying the sunscreen.  So today we had to diligently apply sunscreen and try to even it out!  I am so glad though that I now have more of a tan!  I sincerely believe that being tan makes you look skinnier.  Hahaha.

So we will be hanging out in Del Rey for a couple more days, then head to Key West and South Beach.  It is my first time in Florida so I want to see as much as I can and enjoy the scene!   It's also an added on bonus that I get to meet my fiance's aunts, uncles and cousins for the first time here instead of at our wedding. 

And now... I will get off the computer and go enjoy a mojito somewhere!


  1. WOW this post makes me want to go on vacation ASAP :) Glad you're having a great time, find some cool seashells!

  2. Awesome view! I bet you're having a blast. They have these cabanas in Hawaii as well. When I was there 10 years ago I think they charged $30 or $40 per hour. I paid it since we were on vacation and it was really nice to have. I've only been to Disney World in Florida. I would love to take another trip and check out other beach areas. It looks so beautiful. I'd also love to swim in the ocean there too. Being a native Californian I'm used to the freezing Pacific Ocean.

  3. I just got back from the Florida Keys a week ago! I absolutely love it there! The drive is so beautiful coming down from Ft.L. I am actually heading back on our May long weekend (Ontario) for a girls weekend! Can't wait!

    Enjoy! I wish I was still there!

  4. Enjoy Florida! I was just there last week, visiting my in-laws, on the Atlantic side - an hour southeast of Orlando. The cabana/umbrella thing reminds me more of the Caribbean (US Virgin Islands & St Martin anyway) than Florida. The beach near my in-laws is more of a local/family beach than a tropical resort area. It was nice to get away for a little bit, but the humidity was not pleasant for running!
