
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guess Where I Went Last Night?

Yep... One of the most touristy spots in LA (if not the most?)!  Hollywood & Highland.  You know, where the Oscars are held, Grauman's Chinese Theater, the Walk of Fame, etc.  I don't ever go there, but yesterday we were supposed to go to a dinner party with my fiance's uncle who happened to be in town, and some of his friends.  But it turned out that his friend, the host, was pretty rich or well-connected or whatever because he closed down the whole restaurant just for us 10 people!  It was kind of weird being in a big space all by ourselves.  But the food was delicious, and it was good times.  

The interesting thing though, was that he is a professional party planner for celebrities.  He's actually throwing Paris Hilton's birthday party tonight.  And from the sound of it, he's all the A-listers' go to guy.  In fact, I saw him on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills this season!  It's only my favorite thing ever to watch right now.  Total guilty pleasure.  But it got me thinking, what a fun job!  I wish I could throw parties instead of getting up way before dawn to sit in front of my desk with 4 monitors staring at me.  I mean the guy was deciding between body paint girls or no body paint girls.  Lol.  Such a different life.  Living in LA you meet lots of industry people.  There's so many jobs here that you wouldn't even think existed.  They just seem so much more interesting than trying to predict if a security is a good purchase or not.  It always seems like nobody in LA has a regular 9-5 schedule, that's why you see people at the gym during all hours of the day, and there's traffic at 2 pm.  Geez, I have got to think more about a possible career change...


  1. From a fellow deskjobber--touche! I can't agree more! I am definitely not bouncing out of bed every morning to sit at my computer, but it pays the bills. And hopefully if I stick to it, I will eventually be able to afford to go to cool places like LA for vacation! At least you live there and not in nowhereseville, Arkansas! :D

  2. I know exactly what you mean. It's a vicious cycle! Hehe... LA is really not that cool...

  3. I was in LA last April for a week, had a fantastic time! I loved it, could easily see myself living there... This from a small town East Coast Canada girl! Would love to go to LA again, but I doubt it will happen. My friend and I had so much fun though, did all the touristy things, including Venice Beach, which I have decided is the scariest place on earth! LOL

  4. Hahaha... I don't think Venice beach is scary...?!? What happened? The times I've been there (which is not much), I always saw tons of people, street artists, hippies, etc. They don't seem particularly dangerous though.

  5. @MSE...

    The day we were there it was overcast, very few people walking about. However, it seemed everyone was trying to sell us 'medical marijuana' or self made CD's. The rest of the people were sitting on the benches, or on the side of the walkway, and were randomly screaming. Not screaming anything that made sense, just screams. It was the strangest place I have ever been.

  6. Ahhh... that does sound a little scary! =P Venice beach is an interesting place to people watch, that's for sure. There's always weirdos in LA no matter how nice the neighborhood is, so I'm immune to it now. When I see/hear a random person screaming it doesn't even phase me. Lol. Sad huh?
