
Sunday, October 24, 2010

What is the secret?

Today I had my private pilates session after my interval training, which was not the best idea by the way.  Both trainers were hard on me.  I think my muscles almost gave up by the end of my session!  But I guess I'm making up for being lazy this past week.  I don't know what it was, maybe since it was raining and dreary out all week, but I just did not feel motivated to go work out.  If I hadn't had my session already scheduled today, I wouldn't even have left the house!

So yesterday, I guess Alec Baldwin called the pilates trainer asking to squeeze him in for a session.  So she pushed our session back 30 minutes.  When I showed up today, he was still there so I met him.  He was very nice, and very sweaty.  To think that I had to use the same equipments that were covered in Alec Baldwin sweat.... anyway, when I was checking him out, I noticed that he had very nice skin.  So it got me thinking, this seems to be a trend between these Hollywood people!

I don't work in the entertainment industry, obviously, but I do see famous people at random places.  For example, The Rock goes to my gym, and he is hot in person!  I never would have thought, but he has the nicest, most smoothest skin, and his body is very proportionate too.  I mean, he doesn't have chicken legs like some guys who only focus on upper body.  He's also very nice and always smiling and saying hi.  One time, I was on the treadmill while he was doing weights right in front of me, so I watched him for like 20 minutes!  Haha.  I saw George Clooney at the Warner lot when I was doing my consulting thing and Warner was one of the clients.  My first thought was, "wow, this man has such nice skin!".  It was like a baby's bottom, poreless, and the perfect amount of tan.  No wrinkles whatsoever.  I also saw John Stamos eating lunch there all the time when he was filming General Hospital there (I think?), and I saw Matthew Perry and Amanda Peet and that chick from Gilmore Girls all the time too.  The men all had amazing skin!  They showed no sign of normal aging, and these guys are all in their 40s or older.  And I'm not the type of person that normally notices people's skin.  Amanda Peet though, not so much.  Maybe it's a male thing. 

I know these people have all the money in the world and access to the best beauty people.  But I'm really wondering what it is they use on their face!  Because whatever it is, I will go and get the same thing if it's going to do that for me!  Or do they just do chemical peels and botox?  I don't think it's all genetics, that's for sure.  Especially that George Clooney, his skin looked like he was in his 20s or something.  So if anyone out there knows the secret and wants to share it, please do!  LOL!  It's driving me crazy!


  1. I wonder if they use Creme de la Mer. I've heard it does amazing things for the skin even if it is ridiculously expensive. A humid climate also eliminates a lot of wrinkles. My uncle lives in Vancouver, Can. and is over 50 and barely has any wrinkles on his face or hands because of the humid climate there.


    I found that website once before. I looked at Kate Walsh's information, but haven't read into the other interviews. They're all interviews with women, but perhaps they have common products/insight.


    P.S. If you find out what they use, let us know! :)

  3. Hah, on that skinaffair website, Odette Yustman (who I think is absolutely beautiful!) seems to really love her Clarisonic. I've been using one for a year now & can't say that it's been all that amazing. It does get my skin cleaner than w/o, but dunno if it's all THAT. What I think works for keeping the wrinkles away & getting rid of the ones that have started a bit are my ultrasound wand (found on Ebay) and dermarolling (also Ebay). Dermarolling hurts like the dickens, but when combined w/ serums it really rebuilds the skin. Literally took away the tiny fine lines that were starting around my eyes & smile area. People always tell me I have amazing skin, so something must be working...although, I do have brown spots from the sun, tsk!

    If you DO find out any skin secrets, tho, please share!!

  4. Wow, all that celebrity spotting must make for interesting workouts! :) I'm for any distractions while I'm working out. And, I have to admit, I'm a people watcher. So, I would love that. I wonder what their secret is...

  5. Hmmm... I used to use La Mer stuff when I turned 23 and figured out that youth was not going to last forever... LOL.... I bought both the eye cream and facial cream. I liked the eye cream but the difference wasn't that noticeable from my Chanel one that was 1/3 of the price. I don't know, maybe I should give La Mer a try again.

    You guys are funny. I don't know how I'm going to find out the "secret", but if I do, I sure will share! If I run into George Clooney again I might ask him. LOL. Wishful thinking I know. That dermarolling stuff sounds crazy, but intriguing. I think I may have to look into this.

  6. I tried La Mer and I really didn't find it worth the price -- I didn't really notice a difference in the condition of my skin and also wish that it had an SPF factor for the moisturizer. My husband bought if for me as an extravagant Christmas gift -- and I was unimpressed. I had never heard of dermarolling and did some research on it -- and I must say it looks promising -- I might give that a shot --

  7. I am a huuuuge fan of ole henriksen products! They have eye cream, but I am obsessed with the "sheer transformation" moisturizer. It's available at sephora. I think one important thing to keep in mind is to buy something that has natural ingredients. And to use SPF. Especially if you run outisde a lot!

    here's a giant link to their sephora page:

  8. Oh I've actually heard pretty good things about Ole Henriksen stuff. What's the story with the sheer transformation moisturizer? What do you like most about it? I'm always on the look out for great skin care products! Thanks!

  9. A common thread is that a lot of the rich get regular facials, at least once per month if not more. I have a very wealthy client who has the most gorgeous skin, and she swears by getting regular facials and always, always using Spf.

  10. Good call... we should all pamper ourselves at least once a month. Hehe. It wouldn't be too costly actually. Might be worth it to squeeze it into the budget!
