
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Burton USA Olympic Team Snowboard Pants


I've been watching the Vancouver Winter Olympics and I really love the USA snowboard pants made by Burton!  They look exactly like denim, in fact that is what I thought they were at first glance.  But then of course I figured out Burton wouldn't give the team actual JEANS for the Olympics!!  Then I read that these pants are actually made of waterproof whatever snowboard pants material.  How cool!  Love how they made them look faded with the distressed look.  I think they made the USA team look very hip and cool!  Definitely fits with the laid back snowboard culture.  

I didn't like how many people from the men's team sagged them so low though.  I mean, seriously?!  Sagging pants is just so junior high to begin with.  When you are at the Olympics and everyone in the world is watching you, maybe you should pull up your pants so we are not staring at your boxers!!!  I don't know, that just really annoyed me.

Anyway, back to the pants, I read that Burton is not going to sell them to the public.  =(  Bad decision Burton!  I think lots of people would buy these.  I used to snowboard quite a bit (but still suck at it), but only went once last year and have not gone at all this year.  Ugh.  Of course I do think I need another pair of snowboard pants!  I wish I could buy these...

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